Chapter Two-The Source

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{Nicole's POV}

"So where do we start?" I asked setting down the bag and following Dean into a study.

"I know you want to get the elephant out of the room, so let's start with that source..." Dean trailed off while gathering up some strange materials.

"Uh, yeah." I said folding my arms, "What's with all the stuff?" I motioned towards the pile.

He started throwing in the materials, "You're about to see." He lit a match and dropped it into a bowl.

"Squirrel." A Scottish-British accent said.

I jumped, taken aback from this new voice and a figure that stood in front of me.

"And lady friend." The voice said again.

"Nicole, this is our source, Crowley." Dean said.

"Pleasure to meet you, love." Crowley said, looking at me up and down, then winking.

"Yeah, ditto." I said studying the black suit fellow.

"Nicole!" I heard Avery shout from some where in the bunker. This was followed by loud footsteps and quiet murmuring. Before I knew it, Sam and Avery appeared in the door way. A light blush rose up into my cheeks when I saw Sam, and I immediately turned away.

"Moose." Crowley mused, "And lady friend number two."

"Uh, so how exactly did you hear about Lucifer, Crowley? Are you some sort of demon?" I questioned, turning my full attention back to him.

He began to pace around the room, "I was a crossroad demon, and now." He turned towards us again and spread his arms out, "I'm the King of Hell."

"So you took the throne from Lucifer after he was thrown in the cage?" I pressed my hand into my hip, feeling the raised jagged scar through my shirt.

"Correct." Crowley said still walking around, "I'm not that used to being summoned here and not the basement." Crowley shot a glare at both of the Winchesters, while picking up and random book and mindlessly flipping through it.

I furrowed my brows and looked at Dean, he smiled innocently and shrugged.

"Well," Crowley turned to face us, "I better get back to work. Pleasure meeting you two." He snapped his fingers and disappeared.

"Well okay..." Avery said awkwardly scratching the back of her head.

"What's the plan trapping Lucifer exactly?" I rubbed my forehead, trying to figure out what the hell we just got into.

"Dean and I thought it over and..." Sam looked at his older brother.

"...and you're definitely not going to like it." Dean finished looking back at Sam then to me.

It's only a filler chapter :/

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