Chapter 15

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Dexter'a POV

My first thought. What? My second thought. She's joking. My third thought. Well that explains why she flinched and shied away. My lAst thought was bitter and a revelation.

That's why she flinched from me.

I realize that she is staring at my face almost expectantly. "Kat" I said in the softest voice I could muster. " did you really forget who I am?" I asked weakly. She looked startled for a moment. And then... Nothing. Literally nothing. She passed out.

I looked at the doctor in alarm. "What happened? What's going on?" I asked in panic. He chuckled but the old man seemed off somehow.

"No worries Alpha. I injected her with sedatives so she isn't hurting." He replied and then chuckled again. His smile seemed coy and false. Something was definitely off but I swear I'll find outbwhat. For now I was going to find out why she can't remember me. She didn't get struck on the head that's for sure or I would've felt it.

"Why can't she remember me doc?" I asked carefully choosing my words so he doesn't get suspicious.

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