Chapter #7

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I've tried so many times to put this up here, but things kept messing up I'm sorry guys. It took me FOREVER'S but I finally got it. So, enjoy :)


+Ray P.O.V.+

....."Um what?" did this nigga say what I thought he just said...? Is he forreal right now. H-He loves me..? I'mma need him to rewind that for me , please. "I love you, I can't live without you. No one puts a smile on my face more than you do..." I stared at him. I don't know whether to feel good or bad. Uncomfortable or natural. Right or wrong...I just don't know..

"You what?" I asked. "Like I said Ray, you make me soo happy...whenever you're gone for a long time and not contacting anyone, I get worried sick." I raised an eyebrow. He shook his head while looking down. " The thought of someone putting their hands on you makes me go insane" ....woah...I make him feel like that..? I don't even do anything special and he thinks of me like this.

"You're my world Ray, I'd do anything for you"

Anything?....even die for me?...

He looked up into my eyes, "You don't know how hard this has been for me. I cherish every moment we have together."

I like spending time with Prince too but, not like least I don't think..I always know I'm gonna see him the next day so it shouldn't really matter. I don't know if I live it like it's my last. What he said next really struck me..."I'm in love with you....and no one can tell me otherwise. No one has ever made me feel this way.."

Like I said before, I don't do anything for anybody to like me like that. I mean I can be the meanest motherfucka on the planet but, I also can be everbody's best friend. I just don't see how he could feel this way about me...I'm not special. So why me?

He went on, "I feel so calm and relaxed when I'm with you. Or just hearing your voice, makes my day a whole lot brighter. I can't imagine myself with anyone but you. I can't leave you alone. I can't stop thinking about you. Ray, your heart is so important to me and I would never break it. I care too damn much about you..."

I sat there, re-arranging my thoughts. I looked into his eyes and saw what I've been looking  His words were so passionate, so filled with hope. I was still lost for words...

=Princeton P.O.V.=

" I care too damn much about you..." I finished pouring out my heart to the one boy, who I hoped would capture it. He stared at me with a blank expression, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. Oh no...maybe I told him too much. It was too much for him. He wasn't ready for all this. I should have waited...

But then again, If I did...I would die as a hopeless romantic. He hasn't said a word this whole time. I'm getting need to feel anxious...anxiety has overpowered my body. I'm so nervous my leg won't stop shaking, "Ray...say something.." I pleaded quietly.

He shook his head, "What is there to say..?" he whispered. I shrugged my shoulders, "Anything you want I guess.." He stared at me for a few seconds with a puzzled look. It was somewhat awkward but, a pleasant awkward.

+Ray P.O.V+

I got's a trick....he's playing a trick on me....he doesn't love me like that. He's just trying to catch me off guard....nice try brotha...but I ain't fallen for it..

=Princeton P.O.V.=

He chuckled lightly, "Why do you do that, huh? Why?" I furrowed me eyebrows, "Do what?" He pointed his index finger at me, "W-Why do you pull the weirdest shit on me at the weirdest times? Like really, why?"

"Ray..I'm telling you how I feel..this isn't a trick." He chuckled some more. What is going on?

"Look it was funny Prince. But come on now..joke's over" I shook my head.

"What are you talking about? I'm not trying to be funny. I lo-" he interrupted me.

"Prince shut up! It's getting old" ...well I'm getting irritated..

"Getting old? The fuck is getting old? What's so old about me loving you?''

"God damn Prince stop! Jesus, I told you, the joke is done. Shut the fuck up!"

Okay now I'm pissed off. I hate when people tell me to shut up. Like nigga how rude can you be?

"This isn't a fucking joke Ray Ray! I pour my heart out to you and you think it's a damn joke?" I raised my voice a bit higher than his.

"Cuz it is a damn joke! Fuck outta here, man!" He flicked his hand in my face. I slapped it down. He shot me a look, "I'm in love with you! Why would I joke about that? Who pokes fun at that type of shit?" I shouted.

"Who the fuck you screamin' at?" he lowered his voice as if he's the father and I'm the disobident teenager. He is not intimidating at all..."YOU" I shouted. He then shot up from the couch and stalked his way into the kitchen.

"And what the hell do you think you're doing?" I yelled after him. "Getting as far away from yo ugly ass!!" he shouted back. Ugly?...he actually think's I'm ugly...? I felt my heart break a little. You know how like when you hear something that kills you but you act as if it's nothing. That's how I can describe the pain that took place in my heart just then..

I balled up my fist and walked up on him. He looked me up and down, "You need to back up bruh.." his voice was at regular pitch. "Or what" I said lowly. "Look nigga, I moved away from you for a reason." I smirked, "And that reason was..?"


I jumped back to the sound of his voice and backed up a little. That's what I feared the most..him hurting me..physically. Punching, kicking, slapping me; anything. Oh god, I love him so much but (and this may sound crazy..) even if he did put his hands on me.......

...I'd still have nothing but love for him.

He noticed my backing up then said, "That's what I thought...fuck out my face! Ain't nobody got time for yo bullshit! " He started walking towards the door. Tears began to form in my eyes as I watched him walk away. I croaked out " Ray please-"

"SHUT UP" He quickly turned around with his hand up like he's about to punch me. I gasped and flinched....then I pain..I looked up at him.

He stood over me, debating whether to hit me or not. Tears glided down my face as I trembled in fear. He huffed out air and suddenly dashed for the door. He left, slamming it on his way out. My eyes now played as a water fall and my breaths became jagged. "RAY STOP PLEASE!" I fell to my knees.

"..don't go.." I whispered. I sat there, shaking as if it was zero below inside, crying, sobbing, my heart ached.

The love of my life do with me..


woah. That was tense. I'm adding a couple to the next chapter so yeah be ready for that. Once again my apologies. Me; saving this part was a bitch but I got it now :) Comment, vote, follow or whatever your heart desires...


Just the way you are <3 :D PrincexRay Ray love storyWhere stories live. Discover now