#6 Arctic Monkeys- Reckless Serenade.

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Topless models doing semaphore
Wave their flags as she walks by
And get ignored
Illuminations on a rainy day
When she walks her footsteps sing a reckless serenade

I've been trying to figure out exactly what it is I need
Called up to listen to the voice of reason
And got the answering machine

The type of kisses where teeth collide
When she laughs, the heavens hum a stun-gun lullaby
Those twinkling vixens with the shining spiral eyes
Their hypnosis goes unnoticed when she's walking by

I've been trying to figure out exactly what it is I need
Called up to listen to the voice of reason
And got his answering machine
I left my message, but did he fuck get back to me
And now I'm stuck, still wondering how it's meant to be
Singing a reckless serenade
Reckless serenade
Reckless serenade
Reckless serenade

Reckless serenade
Reckless serenade
Reckless serenade

Sean sinceros, ¿a quién no le encanta Arctic Monkeys?
Esta banda tiene un estilo para la música inigualable, recomiendo la banda absolutamente. Al principio, siendo honesta, no quería escucharlos por eso de que están de moda y ahora a todos les gusta y eso pero, por dios, esta banda no tiene la cualpa, definitivamente es de mis bandas favoritas.

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