Chapter 9

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Thank you AbbyGreenleaf for editing! :)

Chapter 9


When I went home from the pool party it was already late. It was Saturday, so I didn’t need to go to bed early.

My mom was out on a date with someone she met at the hospital and I was alone in the house, but I was happy for her. She didn’t do that often, but she was still young and a beautiful woman, so I guess she should have some fun.

I took a shower and put on some comfy clothes. When I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water I realized that I was starving. I spent so much time with Adrian that I didn’t eat anything, so I made a myself a sandwich.

When I thought about Adrian I felt really bad. 

Since that conversation we had about Oliver, it’s like we have some kind of connection. I fell really comfortable talking to him and I just can’t keep my mouth shut. Every time I’ve had a problem he helped me to get through it. He always said what I needed to hear and did the sweetest things. It really seemed like he cared about me.

I really cared about him too. That’s why I should be the one to help him today. He was stressed about Leah and Max kissing, and instead of doing something about it, I caught myself babbling about how lonely I would be and melting beneath his warm embrace. Boy, I don’t know why he affects me so much. Now he probably thinks I’m just a spoiled little girl that he has to take care of, or I’ll lose my mind. Great, just great!

I decided that from now on I’m going to be a good friend and help him with to get through this. I’m not gonna be the damsel in distress the next time. I’ll be the mature Vicky, the one he can count on. For now, though, the best thing to do is stop thinking about Adrian and what happened today.  Every time it passed through my mind, my heart beats faster and I got a little breathless.

Pushing those thoughts out of my head, I remembered I needed to talk to Leah. I sure didn’t see that coming! Had she been interested in Max before the party? Gosh I wish I knew. Suddenly, I realized something. That’s why Max didn’t answer that question when we were playing truth or dare! Well, I hope they’re happy. Leah’s my best friend and Max is a nice guy and, even though I’m a little afraid of being the third wheel, I’m glad they’ve got together. That is, if they were really together.  I guess I’d find that out later, but Leah would have to come to me to talk about Max. I didn’t want to pressure her.

I needed to confess I was a little bit jealous, though. I wanted a boyfriend too! It would be nice to have someone to hold me just like Adrian does. Ha! Yeah, right! Someone like Adrian, who could have whatever girl he wanted, would definitely give up all the sluts and sex he has to be with a girl like me, I thought sarcastically. Back to Earth, Vicky!

With a sigh, I got up from the couch and decided to go to bed. My thoughts were getting pretty weird lately and sleeping was the only way to shut them down.

The next morning I went out for groceries with my mom. When we came back to the house, mom made us lunch. While we ate, I asked her about yesterday.

“So mom, how was your date?” I tried to sound casual even though it was kind of awkward.

“You really want to know?” she eyed me with a surprised look on her face.

“Well, I don’t want to know the dirty details of course! I just wanna know if he was a nice guy and if you had fun,” I said.

“It was fine. He is a nice guy, intelligent…you would like him. And now it’s your turn. How was the party yesterday?”

“It was fun,” I replied.  That’s all I would admit to my mom, but my mind wandered about everything that had happened.

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