The Chronicles of "The Hunter"

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A series created by: Daken_LOH (Mr_Fish_)

Prologue: Gunpowder and Dead: Pt. 5 (final)

(Hollywood, Florida, September 2015)

"I'm only going to ask one more time, before I feed you your teeth. Who ordered the delivery?" The Hunter stood in a dark room, a flickering exposed lightbulb hung overhead, while a man was tied down to a metal chair that was bolted to the floor. The chest on the man's shirt was ripped open, exposing the Syndicate's logo. The man was heavily bruised, eyes puffed up and nearly swollen shut.

"I already told you man! The delivery was legit, our legal company to keep the money flowing! Just let me go already!" On his travels back to the United States, Hunter heard of a boy with, unexplainable abilities here in Hollywood Florida. Just shortly after a nearly fatal accident, the boy was rushed to a hospital, who received that night a blood shipment from a company, and not the Red Cross.

Hunter gave a swift punch to the man's gut, and was answered with an OOMF as the air got knocked out of the man. "I didn't ask if it was legit, I didn't ask who delivered the package. I'm asking where the god damn package came from!" Hunter was getting very angry at this point, this interrogation seemed to be getting him nowhere.

After a few shaky breaths, the man said weakly, "It came from a new company in town, Fate Incorporated. At least, that's what was on the box. Please man, I don't know anything else! I've got a kid!" Hunter stopped and turned slowly when the man said that, and tilted his head to the right just a hair, before giving him a quick right jab in the nose. Hunter grabbed the man by his shirt collar and glared into his eyes nothing but pure hatred.

"Tell me something, do you know who I am?" The man shook his head very quickly at this. "Well then, allow me to educate you. I am the man that is going to tear down your organization brick by brick. Though, to do that, I guess I have to settle with killing lowlifes like yourself. Unless, you are willing to help me with something." The man nodded enthusiastically. "Excellent, tell me, when I mention a sniper in your ranks, who do you automatically think of?"

"Well, there's only one well known sniper we have, and they call him the Mamba." Mamba, reference to the Black Mamba no doubt, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. A fitting name for a killer like himself, they are both spineless freaks. "As far as I know, he just moves around wherever he's ordered to go. I don't know anybody who has actually seen him before, they say he only comes when shit gets serious. He's the Master's enforcer of sorts, I guess you could say." Hunter let go of the man's collar and thought to himself for a while. The murderer of his wife and daughter was an enforcer, not the spearhead of this organization. This set things to a new parameter. Someone ordered his family executed, it wasn't done out of pure retaliation.

Hunter looked down at the man, "If what you are telling me is true, then you have helped me considerably." The man nods quickly, indicating that he is telling the truth. "I thank you for your honesty. You've done me a great service. Now, I have one last question for you. Who was the blood assigned to go to?"

"I believe it was for a kid that got in an accident. Fate heard about it, and sent us to deliver the blood they needed. Kid's name is Pablo... something. Rodriguez I think?" Hunter nodded and turned around to walk to the table in front of the man, putting on a pair of gloves before grabbing a pistol out of view from the man. "Did I tell you what you need man? Can I go?"

"Remember when I asked you earlier if you knew who I was? After you brought up your kid? Well, reason being, your... 'Mamba' killed my wife and daughter." He turned around and put the barrel under the man's jaw. "Tell them I said hello."


The man slumped in the chair, not falling due to the restraints. Hunter set the gun in the man's hand, and undid the restraints to make it seem like a suicide. He walked calmly out of the building. It was an abandoned warehouse in the business district. He went to the main road and got into his car, cheap older car he got when he landed here a couple weeks back. "So, Pablo Rodriguez. Seems like we have some catching up to do..." He turned up the radio to hear a breaking news report. Another rose was found on a dead body in Los Angeles. A family member of a previous victim finally spoke out to the public, that it was a boy in her daughter's hospital room. He led her to die. Could potentially be another person to investigate. This was too complex to be work of the Syndicate. First things first, he needed to find Pablo. Then, he had the Mamba, and the Master to deal with. He looked at his file on the boy he had created so far, and started driving to his address.

This was how the age of the Hunter began. This was the stepping stone that lead him to become the hero the world needed. He didn't have powers, he didn't have a lot of money. The only thing he had, is a just cause.

Truth be damned, that's all it takes to give a man the power to tear down the world.

End Prologue.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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