Refusal leads to no Good

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Emma P.O.V
This place discusses me, the plain white walls I see everyday are awful. I lay on my bed in misery when a nurse walks in. "No knock?" I question "hmm, rude." She scowls at me and hands me my 3 pills. Anxiety, Depression, and A.D.D a shit storm of meds. "Its a waste to give these to me. Save them for people who matter to the world and that need them." She scowls again, "Don't be difficult Emma, I really dont want to have to force pills down you once again." She complains in a sweet voice. "THEN QUIT FUCKING GIVING THEM TO ME" I yell. "When will you understand that I dont want or need your help. Just let me die, why cant people just do that. I'm to fucked up for this already fucked up world and no amount of medication can fix it" I say throwing a middle finger around. The nurse left the meds on the table, "You have an hour to take them of your own free will. I'll be back and if there not gone I'll get the IV." She said walking out and closing the door. She looks through the small pane of class and I shoot another birdie in her direction. When she leaves I decide to take my meds, I have enough needle mark scars for now. As soon as I took them and proved it to the nurse I headed to Ellie's, I need to talk to the only person on the planet that understood me. Except when I got there she was refusing medicine as well. With her doing that I couldn't visit her. They dont want people O.D on other peoples meds. I knocked on the glass and motioned a throw back motion with my hand. She shook her head no and in the went with the IV. I guess no visiting Ellie today. Damn it Ellie, I know its a waste but I really wanted to hang out and feel normal rather than like a monster. Maybe tomorrow, or not if I would get so lucky.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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