Chapter 2

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A buzzing sound was what finally made me open my eyes only to look out at ...nothing. The absolute darkness took me back to the last time I'd stared into it, that night in the park when I had gone grocery shopping just to get attacked a few minutes later.

The almost too familiar feeling of absolute panic started to bubble up inside of me and my hand shot up to my throat, but it collided midways with an invisible wall in front of me. I tried again and my breaths began coming quicker as I once again felt my hands collide against the coldness in front of me.

That's when I stopped moving completely, suddenly realizing how cold I was- in fact, I was shaking. My hands traveled up against my body to feel the prickly skin on my arms, confirming that at least one of my senses were not failing me. Something thin grazed softly against my nails as my hands returned to their previous position, raising even more questions in my head.

Suddenly, the sound of a door opening along with soft footsteps broke the silence and shortly after I heard the steady breathing of someone who appeared to stand next to me.

A slow scratching sound followed as a small stream of light started to grow in front of my eyes. A minute later I found myself staring up at a man in a white coat, with blonde hair and thick rimmed glasses. His expression mirrored my own feelings.

"Woah!" His words tumbled out of his mouth," What are you...what..." His face was pale as if he'd seen a ghost.

"What am I doing here? Where am I?" I croaked and my hand immediately shot up to my throat again. It still hurt. That's when I noticed the small yellow tag on my wrist; Suri Tesseth, 46985-128.

"What is going on?" I sat up, feeling my back protest against the sudden movement.

"You tell me, Ms... "The blonde doctor stepped back with crossed arms and looked at my feet, "Miss Tesseth."

My eyes followed him and landed on the bigger tag that was attached to the black plastic material that enveloped my legs. I froze. Then slowly turned around and looked around in the cold room.

"Am I in.... a mortuary?" My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my sockets as I took in the place I'd just woken up in.

Around me were several metallic wagons carrying large black bags which had large white tags, just like mine. However, they were all filled with dates while mine only had my name. Despite them being closed one could still see the outline of the bodies through the material, a fact that almost made me gag on the spot.The walls of the storage room were all bare, with only two openings for rotating fans behind bars. 

"Am I dead? Where is the white-haired guy with the stapler? Oh my god, I was murdered..." My words became a muffled mess as I put my face in my hands and then ran my fingers through my greasy hair. "Oh dear god..."

"Calm down Ms. Tesseth," he ordered me, his adenoidal voice startling me since I'd momentarily forgotten all about him.

When I finally looked up at him I was met with a pair of piercing violet eyes. For some reason I found myself squirming away from his intense gaze and I pulled my legs up, arms engulfing them.

"Can you tell me exactly what it is that you remember?" the doctor asked.

My nails dug into the dry skin of my bare ankles and I continued to stare down at my dirty feet, waiting for the pain to wake me up from the reality I'd opened my eyes to.

How I was supposed to answer him? I didn't know, I had never experienced anything that came close to this. What had I even experienced?

My eyes traveled over to the man in white next to me and I looked at the name tag that hung loosely on the stiff fabric. "Dr. Coghner" it read.

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