coming soon

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Warning: This book contains some sappy moments and possibly a happy ending, so please don't read this if you're contented with the more realistic open ending of Kissing Is the Easy Part.

You've all been extremely supportive and not once have I received a rude comment telling me to update, and because I'm more than grateful for the love I get on the first book, it's entirely optional whether you choose to read the sequel.

This is a gift to those of my lovely readers who want more Flora and Sean, who need closure, who can't move on, and who want to see my version of their future. I can be cynical about relationships, but I'm also fond of hopeless romantics and I'm willingly to offer you something hopeful. This is fiction, after all, and when the real world disappoints us, I'd like this to offer you some comfort.

That said, I'll try to make the story as convincing as possible. I know that a relationship can be consuming and even harmful, but it can also be wonderful when done right. I showed the downside in the first book and made some of you cry, and I'm hoping this one will make you smile.

With love, Christine xx

(Not sure how long this is going to be. At first it was about five chapters, but after I did some planning I got carried away again so it's probably going to be around ten)

dedicated to @synergism for the amazing cover. thank you so much for this :))

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