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Reprogramming bad vocabulary exercises

For the following lessons in this section, we are going to practice changing negative connotations to affirmativephrases. For each phrase, re-word it as if you were going to write the phrase into a spell with positive intention, which means to command what you desire with gratitude and positive wording. For example:

"I can't write spells on my own." NEW PHRASE "I have all the power inside of me to create spells."

1) Translate the phrase "I am broke all the time and I need more money."

2) Translate the phrase "There are just no good men or women out there."

3) Translate the phrase "I'm just not good looking enough."

4) Translate the phrase "I'm not attractive enough to ask him/her out."

5) Translate the phrase "I'm really bad at sports."

6) Translate the phrase "I hate how I look in a bathing suit."


Comment the number, and your answer and it will be in the New chapter!

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