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Mi Nombre es Jeff The Killer

Vengan, Pasen al desfile

Del mayor asesino de inocentes civiles

Miles han catado ya el acero

que conforma mi cuchillo

Me encanta jugar con ellos

"Corre,Corre,que te pillo"

Mejor cantante que Ne-Yo y eso ya todos lo saben

Adoro rozar tu piel para comprobar si esta suave

Justo antes de atacarte

Y desmembrarte con ternura

Tan solo mi atractivo es mas grande que mi locura

No se, si es mas destacable mi sonrisa profident

o el claro brillo de mi pelo al mas puro estilo pantene

Solo se que cuando entre las sombras alguien dice:



Todos echan a correr

Yo soy el rey del terror

En ti causo internos tormentos

¿Cuantos metodos de asesinato he usado?


Piggsy quiso enfrentarme y lo ultimo que yo recuerdo

De ese dia es que cene un sabroso filete de cerdo

Te observo entre la niebla de la noche y tu tiritas

Pues me ves acercandome muy lentamente hacia ti

Intentas escaparte pero te retengo y gritas

Mientras que yo tan solo susurro:

Go to sleep...



Yo soy slenderman,Jeff

Vengo desde marble hornets

Voy a ser el hombre que en tu propio tema

Venga y te abochorne

Yo no tendre cara, pero la tuya es de zombi

Yo llevo un traje elegante y tu un puto chandal de yonki

Aparta tu navaja, no raja, es de plastico

Te estas poniendo un poco dramatico

Cielito mio, no entres en panico

Solo porque yo tengo mas fanaticos

El publico vera como te ejecuto

Soy tan bueno que podria ser un prostituto

Todos aclaman al alto,esbelto, enjuto

Porque tu no repercutes lo que yo repercuto

Bitch .l.



¡Jodido pedofilo!

¡No robaras mi momento de gloria!

No pensaras que puedes batallar contra mi...

¡Delgaducho pedazo de escoria!

¿Tu que pretendes?

Dimelo, Slender

¿Acaso crees que tus rimas me ofenden?

Me he criado en el dolor, para mi no eres nada

¿Que parte es la que no entiendes?

Yo no me meti en tu tema de mierda

Para decir que soy el mas poderoso

Asi que mejor vete, perdedor

De vuelta a tu bosque cutre y asqueroso

Soy jeff, el asesino

Causo mas muertes que tarantino

Las voces de mi cabeza ya me estan diciendo

Que acabe de una vez contigo


Jeff:My Name is Jeff the KillerCome on, come to the paradeOf the greatest murderer of innocent civiliansThousands have already tasted the steelwhat makes up my knifeI love to play with them"Run, run, I got you"Better singer than Ne-Yo and everyone already knows thatI love to touch your skin to check if it's smoothRight before I attack youAnd dismember you with tendernessOnly my attractiveness is greater than my madnessI don't know, if my professional smile is more remarkableor the clear shine of my hair in the purest panthene styleI only know that when in the shadows someone says:JEFF!Women,Men,Dogs,CatsThey all runI am the king of terrorIn you I cause internal tormentsHow many methods of assassination have I used?Pff...Hundreds!Piggsy wanted to confront me and the last thing I rememberFrom that day is that I had a tasty pork steak for dinnerI observe you between the mist of the night and your band-aidsWell you see me approaching very slowly towards youYou try to run away but I hold you back and you screamWhile I just whisper:Go to sleep...TO SLEEP!slender-man:i'm slenderman jeffI come from marble hornetsI'll be the man that on your own topiccome and embarrass youI will not have a face, but yours is a zombieI'm wearing an elegant suit and you're wearing a fucking junkie tracksuitPut away your knife, don't cut, it's plasticyou're getting a little dramaticMy dear, don't panicJust because I have more fansThe public will see how I execute youI'm so good I could be a prostituteAll hail the tall, lean, leanBecause you do not affect what I affectBitch .l.Jeff:OH NO!You fucking pedophile!You won't steal my moment of glory!You won't think you can fight me...You skinny piece of scum!What do you want?tell me slenderDo you think your rhymes offend me?I grew up in pain, for me you are nothingWhat part do you not understand?I didn't get into your shit topicTo say that I am the most powerfulSo you better go, loserBack to your seedy filthy foresti'm jeff the killerCaused more deaths than tarantinoThe voices in my head are already telling meThat it ends once with you

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