- Chapter 1

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Omniscient POV.

"Ivory?" "Ivory?" Da'Maya yelled as she ran after Ivory. "I'm okay" she says as she hurriedly wiped her eyes. "No your not Ivory , just talk to me" Da'Maya said. "Just... just leave me alone Da'Maya , I'm fine see" as she faked smiled. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Da'Maya pulled Ivory into a hug as she cried in the middle of the hallway. "Fuck Alex! He's a bitch and you deserve so much better. Don't continue to cry over someone who wants to be a hoe."
She smiled as they started walking to class. Being 12 years old and only in the 7th grade , Ivory didn't know the first thing about love or being in an relationship. She thought she loved Alex and she was real hurt when she found out the stuff he was doing. She was young so when he told her he loved her she believed it.

As they walked into class, side by side sitting next to Kee , she looked around nervously. Everyone know she's can be a bit of a crybaby so she didn't want anyone knowing she was crying. As she was staring at no place in particular , Kee tapped her snapping her out of her daze.

"Ayee twin you good now?" Kee said.

"Yeah , I'm just hungry asf man." Ivory replied as they chuckled.

While they sat and talked amongst them self for the rest of the class period , Ivory couldn't help but let her mind wonder to all the pain she was feeling. She felt a feeling of something she wasn't too familiar with , a feeling most of you would call heart break. Most of you would say she to young to think about relationships , love and heartbreak but in Ivory mind she knew every thing about it. When in reality she knew nothing about the trouble and pain it can bring. But she'll soon find out.

- This Is My Very Very First Story So I Know Its Going To Start Off Kind Of Boring But It'll Get Better. Please Bare With Me &'d Excuse Any Mistakes. Anywayyyyyyy , Enjoy.

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