Out of place ( one direction fan fiction)

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I walk on the bus , ripped jeans , black v-neck , and dirty red converse . and all eyes are on me, but not in a good way . there are girls mind judeing me , boys laughing at me . I sat down in a seat by myself , and looked out the window . i was interupted by a girl walking by and saying to her friend " eww look at her total tom boy". I was so embarassed ,' stupid promotion ' I said in my head 

Let me back up , my name is vegah lowe . I'm from america and this is my first day going to school in the UK.my dad works for some comutercompany and was moved to C.E.O . which may sound weird to why we moved accross the world but the company was orginated in london, when my new home is . I hate it already . my dad filled me with empty promises saying ' this a good opertunitie to get cultural expirience ' and , the classic, ' you'll make new friend and everyone will like you'. well so far i hate this hell hole .

We pull up to a fairly new looking school,and get off the bus . i go to the counslers office to get my schedule ." Hello love , you must be the new student , ummmm..... vegah ." the counsler said

" yep thats me vegah lowe" isay

" Hi i'm mrs.cole, im the counsler" 

she looked to be about in her mid 50's wit blonde hair with streaks , and was wearing a pink blazer with a black shirt and some jeans .

she hand me my schedule and my loker number and code and walks me to my first class.


When we walking I see girls whearing slutty outfits ,and LOTS of makeup . boys throwing paper , and talking . and the teacher was a short man who was bald and dresses in a blue button up and tan slacks tell the class to settle down to start the lesson. 

When everyone stopped talking and sat down the teacher introduced me to the class.

"every one this is vegah lowe , and she is a new student from america"said the teacher whos name is mr.vaughing.

everyone was starring and smirking , and making rude comments a bout my clothes and blue streaked hair .

" your lab partner will be mr. styles , in the back" said mr , vaughing

i walk to the back and people are still making rude comments . ireach my seat . when i try to sit down that styles guy stoped me 

" what the hell are you doing " he asked looking at as if i'm mold 

" sitting in my seat what the fuck does it look like im doing " i say everyone turend because thety can hear my american accent , unlike the common brittish one .

" excuse  me who the hell do you think you're talking to yanke" he snarled back 

" i think im talking to a frik'n prick " i snap back 

" hey sit down now " said mr vaughing 

( skip to end of class)  and your going to be partnerd up with your lab partner for you next assiment . and this project will have to be worked out of school. the bell rings and we gater our stuff up but im stopped by styles . " heres my adess come tonight at seven, and my name is harry" he walks away and so do i to my next class . where the day waits more tourcher......   AN: hi this is my first story i hope it good , im sorry if its not , but if you could give me some advise that would be nice.

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