Chapter 14 (Julia)

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Julia P.O.V

I closed the door behind me, careful not to wake Madi from her slumber. It was 2 hours since the bonfire ended; the embers of the coal could still be seen through the windows. I could have gone earlier, but I was afraid that the other girls would question me of my outings. So, I faked my sleep waiting for them to fall into sleep.

Avoiding the creaks of the wooden floor, I quietly made my way to the front door. The summer air kissed my face as I opened the door. I winced at the creaking sound that the door made, halting to hear if any woke up to it. All I heard was deep rumble of a chuckle, making jump.

“Relax, no one’s going to spy on us. They’re probably sleeping in” It did not calm my nerves, but it brought a wry smile onto my face.

Niall was in a comfortable position on the hammock, his entire body taking all of the space. I sat on the armchair beside him, setting my astrology book on my lap.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t come earlier” I whispered, scratching my cheeks in embarrassment.

“No rush, love. I just came here, a couple minutes ago” Niall explained, sending me a cheeky smile. Heat flooded my cheeks, shocked to hear the Irish man in front of me call me love. No one ever called me like that and hearing it from him, made my whole body in fire.

“The stars are really pretty, aren’t they?” I injected, wanting to remove my flushed face from him. I quickly stood up, leaning against the porch rails. Gazing up, I let the stars wash over me to hope that my butterflies that flutters in my stomach would fly away.

“They’re not the only thing…” He did not just say that. Having no experience in the love department, people could say that I’m a virgin of love. Something snapped inside of me, anger and hate consuming me. I harshly laugh, whirling to face a baffled Niall.

“What do you want, Niall?” I whispered, gripping the rails behind me. I had to lean back since he was so close to me, our bodies almost touching each other.

‘He must have gotten closer while I was facing away from him’ I thought, bitterly.

“What are you talking about?” He murmured, placing his hands on the sides of my body. I was trapped, but I was too busy glaring at the Irish boy. He didn’t even sound surprised or angry which made angrier.

“Is this some kind of trick to you? Cause’ it’s not funny anymore!” I shrieked, burying my face in my shaking hands.

This was the first time someone from the opposite took interest in me. All the boys that I met go for Madi or the other girls. It was never a concern of mine, happy seeing the boys smitten with them.

“Don’t make a fool out of me. Don’t play with my heart as if it was a toy…” I choked, the tears falling faster than my beating heart. No one can love me, my parents prove it. I remember the many sleepless nights, wondering if my parents would be home. All I get was harsh glares and shut doors.

Meeting Stephanie, Madi, Eva, and Tori was a gift sent from heaven. I shivered at the thought of never meeting them and what I would become.

Niall did not say one thing, his kind eyes looking at me. His arms guided me to him, his smell intoxicating me.

“Let me go!” I exclaimed thrashing and kicking like a wild beast. Niall was a stubborn lad, never letting me go. Exhaustion took over as he brought us to the ground. Shallow breaths were all I could heard other than the faint crickets of summer.

“Why is it too hard for you to believe that I like you?” He whispered, resting his chin on top of my head. Flush against his chest, I could come up with a ton of reason as to why it was unbelievable.

“Just because” I replied, dumbly. Apparently, Niall found it funny and laughed at my answer. His laughter broke the somber atmosphere that we were in, his arms loosening his hold upon me. Yet, I did not run away.

The world was a cruel world, incapable of loving. I saw love with the girls, but maybe the Irish man could be the one to let me feel love firsthand.


So sorry for being late on updating! School's been hounding since three weeks ago. Just 2 more weeks and I'm free :) It's pretty short and we have a twist on our Nilia (combined name for Julia and Niall). Comment cause I want to know your impression on it!

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