chapter one

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*first Day after vacation in school/ 7:45 / louis*

Louis: Oi Oi ! What's up Zaynie ?

Zayn: LOUEHH MATE ! How was
Your Vacation?

Louis: Great, already miss my Bed ! Have you seen Maggie?
I havent seen her a whole week?

Zayn: Nope. But I saw her yesterday at starbucks with that one guy ... What was his Name again ?

Louis: I dont Know. But I already dont like him. She shouldnt date someone...

Zayn: why Not Boo? Because she wouldnt do that much with you anymore ? Or are you just jealous because you have a little crush on her ? ( teasing and joking )

Louis: shut up zayn! I am not having a crush on her ! She is just my best friend and I wouldn't Like if she would date that's all... It would be okay If she would date you but not someone else bc I may not like him.

Zayn: ay mate dont be gender specific, maybe she is dating a girl some day (laughs )

Maggie: Who are my boys talkin about ?

Louis: Mag my lady, how are you ? Ive missed you so much !

Zayn: we were actually talkin bout ya

Maggie: Aww I've missed my boobear as well! I am great and you don't know what happend yesterday... Wait what you were talking about me ? But I am not dating a girl ( confused but laughs)

Zayn: ya never know! Haha maybe one day you will (winks)

Louis: Anyways what happend yesterday ? ( smiles bc of them )

Maggie: oh oh Yas ! So yesterday I was at sturbucks and suddenly a boy run into me and told me that he is so hungry and that he would die if he wouldn't get his cookie and pumkin spice latte right in that moment(laughs).
Later I found out that his name is Niall. We spent the day together and he is literally so funny and he is from irland and he has such a cute accent ! I guess we are friends now ... (Smiles at the ground of the thought of niall )

Zayn: Aww has someone a crush on that Irish boy ?

Louis: stop stop stop nooo my little Maggie cant have a crush no I am not allowing you that !

Maggie: chillax bro ! We are only friends ... (Whispers) yet.

Zayn: ya ya tell that your mummy I am not believing you. (Laughs) lets head to class, come on ?


*first Day after vacation in school/ 7:30 / Harry*

Harry: (walks into school and has no idea where he should go, asks random persons) sorry I am new can you tell me the way to the office please? ( everyone is ignoring him )

Niall: (accidentally runs into Harry) woah woah sorry mate that wasnt on purpose !.... Wait I've never seen you here before, are you new ?

Harry: its alright.(smiles) I am Harry Styles and yes I am new here that's also the reason I have no clue how to get to the office, could you tell me how to get there please?

Niall: of course ! Btw I am niall and i actually was on my way to the Cafeteria to grap some food but I will show Harry Styles the way ! (Smiles friendly )

Harry: (laughs ) Thank you very much ! ( makes a Knicks ) you can have my sandwich if you want.

Niall: whoop whoop ! Thanks I am starving !

*at the office*

Niall: so here ya goo mate.

Harry: Thanks.

Niall: see you around ! (Waves)

office lady: Hello you must be the new kid Harry styles right ?

Harry: that's right. Nice to meet you madam.

Office lady: nice to meet you too. So here is your time shedule. I will call someone out who will show you where everything is okay?

Harry: yep thanks (smiles abit shy)

*after a few minutes*

Liam: Hello Rosie, what can I do for you today ?

Office lady (Rosie) : This is Harry, Harry styles and he is new here would you mind showing him were everything is?

Liam: okay. So hello dear I am Liam, Liam payne (smiles friendly and shakes harrys Hand). So lets see at your shedule... We have Most of the lessons together thats cool... Oh yeah we have art now.

Harry: alright....(unsure what to do)

Liam: we should go now we are already late, Bye Rosie ! (Walks out of the room with harry following him)

Soooo that's the first chapter .... What do you think ? Yeah okay I know there wasn't any Larry but it will come in the next chapter! Tell me what you think and if I should stop writing bc its so bad haha! Thanks if you have read it x

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