Chapter - 9

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Hi guys im so sorry for not updating for a while I have been busy (doing nothing) lets face it I had a writers block so u have to cut me some slack well anyways lets get back to the story

----------Naruto's pov---------


My head hurts

Where am I

I slowly opened my eyes but all I could see was blur I shook my head to get rid of it but it only made it worse so I closed my eyes again

For some reason my arms were hurting so I pulled them down but I felt something pull my hand I opened my eyes and the blurriness has subsided I turned my head up to see my hands were cuffed and tied I tried to pull but it was no used the rope was burning my skin

I wanted to cry because it hurts I moved my tail to feel the same tug I looked down to see the same results I tried to do the same but it was useless

I looked around to see where I was after looking around I noticed there are no windows so I did what ever normal mer would do I screamed


I continued that for god knows how long coz of all that screaming my throat was hurting and I was coughing

I heard the door open I turned to see who kidnapped me but all the lights were switched off and I could only see the outline and it looked like a male mer

"Who are you (cough)"

"Why are you doing this"

I pulled at my restrains as the figure came closer the door behind him closed shut

I started to sweat I was scared

"Stop dont come closer stop" I tried to move away

"Please dont" I said in a wisper

But that did not stop him the moment he came near me I was waiting for my eyes to adjust but before that could happen my eyes were covered

I whimpered I was scared

'Sasuke help me save me please'

I felt the kidnappers hand on my cheeks caressing them then he touched my lips I tried to move but he held my face

Then he moved to my neck then near my collar bone but he couldn't go further because I was wearing a shirt

But all hope went down the drain when he tore my shirt leaving my chest exposed

I shivered I was scared I didn't want this

I felt his hand roaming my chest and pinching my nipple I hate it then his hand again went to my neck but this time I felt something cold touch me and then something pierced me

I screamed it hurts a lot

I thrashed around trying to rid of the pain but I wont go away then all of a sudden I could not breath I struggled to breath

I was lossing oxygen and fast

I was near unconsciousness when air hit my lungs again

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