Life After Love

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Chapter 1

Brick by brick, limestone blocks forming the steeping stones to the future and the massive opening to a new life.  As Elizabeth nicknamed Libby for short, Karl and Lynn stepped out of their fire red Hyundai Santa Fe; they knew they were in for a change.

   “Well Mum, I don’t think we are in Melbourne anymore” said Elizabeth

    “No sweetheart but it’s a new town and a fresh start” said Lynn

    “Just think, you’ll be studying at one of the best colleges in the Unites States,” said Karl

   As the family comes to reality with their new home, it soon clicks that this can be a good thing. Once they step foot on to the marble floor an instant burst of adrenalin rushes through Libby’s eighteen-year-old veins.  The thought of being top of her class, working in the best hospital in Stanford California and having the best life ever. The marvelous thoughts paused for a moment as Elizabeth looked back to her friends back in Australia, Her old house near the forest, the beach down the road and her grandmother who filled Elizabeth’s life with stories about the good old days and lot’s of homemade denim shirts. All these thoughts made Elizabeth heat up so much she started tugging at her long brown ponytail. Elizabeth was instantly snapped out her daydream by the violent shaking of her body caused by her father.

  “You alright there sweetheart” said Karl

   “Yeah, just a little jet laggy from the long flight” said Elizabeth

   “Why don’t you go check out your bedroom, your mum and I know you’re gonna love it” said Karl

    Elizabeth took a long gaze at the humongous wooden staircase and within a few moments she made her way into what was an endless journey into the start of her new life. As she entered the mint green room she took a good look around and instantly smiled as if she was back home.

      “Libby, there is someone at the door. Come down please” said Lynn

  Libby snapped out of her shock and made her way down the long staircase once again. As she moved closer to the doorway there was another young female who resembled someone around her age.

   “Hello, My name is Ali, what’s your name?”

    “My name is Elizabeth, Libby for short”

     “That’s a nice name, so Libby where are you from?” said Ali

     “Melbourne, Australia, lived there my whole life,” said Libby

     “That’s awesome, I’ve always wanted to go there. So Libby how are you liking California so far?” said Ali

    “It’s nice, I like the warm weather, always have” said Libby

    “Well Libby, why don’t you come with me to meet some of the neighbors, they are around our age,” said Ali

    “Sure why not” said Libby

 As Libby walked out the large doorframe, she closed the door slowly while trying not to disturb her parents busy at setting up the new house. The two girls strolled around what was a never-ending road when they paused at a house just as magnificent as Buckingham Palace. Just as Libby stared vaguely at the massive house she was shaken out of her fog by the sound of Ali’s voice.

    “Libby, still with us yeah”said Ali

     “Yeah sorry just dazing a little bit, whose gorgeous house is this?”

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2013 ⏰

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