Capítulo 48 (2 years ago and She's Señorita/Señora)

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-Terminamos el examen de Bondad, todo estaba perfecto, ya el sol se escondía, y, nos toca ir a la Habitación estaba acompañada por Ben, Falla, Eduardo y Nick, subimos y subimos las escaleras, hasta que al fin llegamos al piso 10 dormimos, entramos y Jay, Carlos, Evie y Mal, practican su canción para Navidad. La canción era Fantástica su canción era inspirada por el pasado de ellos 4 cuando eran villanos pero ahora, gracias a el Hada Madrina son como son Buenos-
(Mal)-Ok, chicos la canción en sus posiciones-Y fue allí cuando llegamos-
(Mariana)-Hola Mal Igna
(Mal)-Hola Mariana Doofenshmirtz-
(Eduardo)-Hola De Vil-
(Carlos)-Hola-Dijo mientras bajaba de las escaleras de la litera-
(Nick)-¿Que hace-e-n-?-Dijo mientras fallaba como un videojuego-
(Falla)-¡Basta Gusano! Oh, soné como mi madre-
(Mariana)-¿Que hacen?-
(Jay)-Practicando nuestra canción-
(Falla)-¿Que canción?, quiero oírla-
(Mal)-Ok, Chicos a sus posiciones- Todos se quedaron en sus posiciones menos Evie-Evie la canción-Dije cantando. Evie se estaba maquillando por eso, no estaba en su posición-
(Evie)-Espera Mal, si tienes que mostrarle al público una canción, tienes que "maquillarse" para que se vea bonita, Tendré que componer una canción llamada Manicura-Dicho esto Mal señaló al lugar donde va Evie, y Evie se fue a su posición-
(Mal)-1,2 y 1,2,3-
(Jay)-Two years ago , yes, lol, I laugh for good sarcasm, this is the story of four Villains , MALL , Evie , Jay , Carlos, and who ?, begins well

A day like today was us they were having fun and then we 'll sing the cradle , mother After Maleficent Mall, told us great news that the pictures were going to study at the Academy of the good , but , Mall , Jay , Evie Carlos does not like me bu -bu -but Maleficent , Jafar Evil Queen and Cruella de Vil told us we stole the Fairy Godmother wand , got to this place called A-U-R-A-D-O-N-, and if you do not believe , think , ask to Mal , and Evie Carlos.-

(Mal)-I do not want your magic only your love

I do not need your love

I love jewelry and more evil , but now I would not, want goodness and Queen-

(Mal)- I was bad too , toward evil with my magic book , the daughter of Jane Fairy Godmother I fell very ill , and like his mother. I was malefica future , and I remember when I made a cookie haunted Ben, took it to Ben and tasted it , I celebrated and laughed-

(Mal)-I do not want your magic only your love

I do not need your love

I love jewelry and more evil , but now I would not, want goodness and Queen-

(Evie)-My mother told me to seek a prince and there I met the prince Chad , I met him in chemistry class , he invited me to the stands , but I liked the mai no. Then I discovered that was not for me , then , I fell in love with Doug-

(Mal y Evie)-I want your love , If I am good , I want your kindness, but not your wickedness , and now , we are good , and peaceful , it was not like before when we were bad

I want your love , If I am good , I want your kindness, but not your wickedness , and now , we are good , and peaceful , it was not like before when we were bad-

(Carlos)-My name is Carlos , son of Cruella de Vil , I love much chocolate, but before she was afraid of dogs, but Ben , taught me that a dog is not afraid , and hold dear, then measure year fall in love with Jane , but if you want to know something more say Jay , Mal Evie-

(Mal y Evie)-I want your love , If I am good , I want your kindness, but not your wickedness , and now , we are good , and peaceful , it was not like before when we were bad

I want your love , If I am good , I want your kindness, but not your wickedness , and now , we are good , and peaceful , it was not like before when we were bad- Terminada la Música, todos empezaron a aplaudir.-

(Mariana)-Me encanta tu Música-


(Eduardo)-Que bonita-

(Falla)-¿Alto, donde está señorita?-

*Narra Narrador*

-Señorita estaba practicando una canción que ella compuso para Halloween es dedicada a su Personalidad-

(Jane)-She is very strict-(Audrey)- She is unforgettable

(Audrey y Jane)-She's Señorita.-

(Señorita)-My name is very stately quotes, Maleficent locked me in a tower. I drink a little apple juice, I'll hug Chad Charming man of my life

We go or we go home

We gon' do this all night long

We get freaky if you want

Na na na na

We go or we go home

We gon' do this all night long

We get freaky if you want

Hey i'm Señora

(Ben)-She-She's Señora

(Lonnie)-She She's Señora-

(Señorita)-Los voy a dejar hasta allí, hay que practicar-

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