Chapter 1: In A Cafe

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It was one of those beautiful, glowing days that looks as if it's straight out of a photograph. "Could this day get any better?" Taylor thought to herself as she pulled up to Rosy's, the only cafe she will visit when she's in Nashville. Things were most definitely going her way that year, as she was preparing for her world tour and had just released her fourth album, "RED". To sum up how successful she was, her collection of awards was blossoming year by year and her fanbase was larger than any other.

The pop and country sensation had a day off, which is rare for being the busy artist that she is. Others may not realize it but attending red carpet events and conferences for her upcoming tour leave her with less down-time and days off are much needed. Despite the fact that there was no need for work today, Taylor wanted to add some last minute touches to her upcoming tour and grab a coffee while she's at it.

She walked into Rosy's Cafe with her red nautical sweater, blue jeans and black flats when she felt a smile grow on her face. Taylor knew all the baristas from her numerous trips here. When the barista, Nate, saw Taylor walk in he immediately yelled out, "Sorry, we only take cash or credit." This had been their inside joke- once when Taylor pulled out her purse after buying a latte, a pile of seashells fell out and that's exactly what he said to her. She giggled thinking about it.

"I'll take the usual." Taylor said as she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and looked around the familiar, cozy-feeling but empty cafe. It'd been a few months since she was here but it gave her a sense of comfort and home. After Taylor traded a few remarks with Nate and payed for the coffee, she took a sip and searched for a place to go on her Macbook.

Shortly after she opened her laptop and began typing an email to someone helping her develop her next tour, Taylor began to feel a sudden rush of cold air pass by. That's when she heard the door open with a ring of a bell. She turned around to see who was there when she felt herself blush- there was standing an attractive, red-headed boy.

Taylor watched him patiently walk over to the barista, Nate, and order himself the same drink as her, a Vanilla Frappucino. The red-headed boy set a $10 bill on the counter, grabbed his coffee and turned around to find Taylor watching him closely. She swung her head the opposite way, pretending to be looking out the window closest to her, finally noticing the large packs of paparazzi outside waiting for her. Oh, boy..

Creak . . . Crack . . . Creak . . .

Taylor turned her focus back to the boy who was slowly walking over and silently asked her in what sounded like a British accent, "you don't mind if I sit here, do you?" while pointing to the chair right next to her.

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