January 14th, 2013

4 0 0

"Oh this has gotta be the good life"

Well, I woke up fine, and managed to stay fine all day. Hey, I'm better than just fine, for a Monday at least. My name's Suzie, Suzie Lauren; and you're reading my diary. I'm a teenager, and yeah my life is pretty normal if I'm honest. Well, 14 year old normal. I spend my time gaming, hanging out with my closer friends, and studying. Okay, I study so maybe I'm not 'normal'. But I want to do well in life, is that so bad? Anyway, today went much like any other day. I went into school, silently laughed at all of the idiots trying to understand, and went home. My friend Shana introduced me to a stupid game a couple of weeks back, and I'd become addicted to it. The gameplay was kind of slow, and my awful low spec computer only made it worse.

Much like any other day, I got home and decided I would sign in, put on some music, and play this random tycoon game for a bit, pretty standard for Monday evenings especially since I had no homework. I enjoy the fighting games more but, with my computer, I don't really have a choice.

There were only 4 or 5 others in the server, you had to collect diamonds and mine for them to improve... Sounds boring right? There was another character there, who seemed to be finding it as intriguingly boring as I did.

So, I decided what's the problem in messaging him, right? If it even was a he... Games have become such a mainstream way for 'not very nice' people to groom children. But I'm not an idiot, so we became friends.

Anyway, not much else happened today... Oh wait! Marcy got asked out by George, so I guess that was something, but she said no and pushed him into a door frame so it could have gone better for him.

Oh well, I'll see what happens. Maybe he likes fighting games too, and we could team up together haha.

I'll be writing as much as I can, as often as I can.

Bye for now!


Suzie xox

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