How Nathan And Rebecca Got Job's

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"Dude, I'm broke" Nathan said to Rebecca.

"Get a job then you lazy cow" Bec replied.

Nathan gave a Bec evil eyes, Bec surrendered sarcastically and rose above from Nathan's old couch, they were watching Chowder on CartoonNetwork.

"UGH!" Nathan groaned.

He was so bored, but he couldn't go anywhere, because he was broke and no one would give him any money. He actually considered the thought of getting a job, maybe a rock-star or maybe an astronaut! But that'd be too hard...

"Do you no anywhere where I can get a job?" Nathan asked his Dad.

"No, but you can help Herbert out, he's an old, lonely man and needs some help around the house" he suggested.

Nathan shuddered at the thought of going into that man's house. He's old and creepy, he can hardly walk as well, so Nathan might have to touch his wrinkly skin to help him go to the bathroom.

"Errrr, no thanks" Nathan replied.  

"Come on Nathan, help out the old man, he can hardly walk around. He needs some company" Nathan's dad tried to convince.

"Fine" Nathan grunted, then Bec came into the room whistling,"hey Bec!" Nathan said cheery,"I got us a job!" he exclaimed.

Bec raised an eyebrow,"Umm, I'm not the one without money and credit, so I'm good where I am" she said sitting down.

Nathan jumped closer to her, putting one arm around the couch,"Oh come on, you'll find it interesting". 

"Fine' but what do I have to do" asked Bec.

"Help Herbert down the road" replied Nathan.

"As long as I get paid" said Bec.

 Nathan stayed silent."We are getting paid, right" asked Bec

"I'll get back to you on that " hoped Nathan

When they figured out they were getting paid they were so happy.

So as they walked down the road they forgot to ask Nathan's dad where Herbert lives.

So they started walking to Nathan's house.

"Dad where does Herbert live" Questioned Nathan

"At  2 Chowder St " Answered Dad

 As they headed down


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2011 ⏰

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