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I carried on strolling lazily down the street. I took one last long drag before exhaling the intoxicating fumes into the darkened, cold air.

I stared up at a building once I threw the cigarette onto the ground. It was a huge building and a light was switched on. There was a girl that appeared at the window, so I collided into the shadows so she couldn't see me, she had curly blonde hair and was wearing black... She disappeared and I dissolved back into the light and then disappeared again when the door handle shook and opened. The girl ambled out, staring around; she quietly closed the door and walked in the direction away from me.

Somehow I was intrigued by her, I dissolved back I tot he light, slowly following behind her, my pocket knife loosely moving around in my jean pocket. I pulled my black hood over my head and shoved my hands in my pockets as I watched her blonde hair flounce around behind her... She had her arms crossed against her chest as she walked quickly...

I was careful to keep my footsteps quiet and light footed, my mouth was open as my breathing was breathy and hazy from the tobacco I consumed not long ago...

The blonde girl looked back and I hid in the shadows again, she turned back and continued walking in the direction she was going, turning the corner... She carried on walking at a quicker pace and turning another corner...

I had no idea where she was heading but I followed her anyway, pulling out my bloody stained pocket knife... Two victims in one night, this is my kind of night...

She headed down an alleyway and met up with someone else. I stopped, disappearing into the shadows and holding the pocket knife close to me...

It was a guy she was meeting up with and he was giving her something... Then he grabbed her wrist and kissed her roughly. I turned away from them and leaned my head against the trunk of a tree. I tapped my finger against the knife blade... Turning my head around to see them again...


Short chapter but hope you like it.


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