What About Us

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Chapter 1

Bizzy's POV

"If you are the lucky you should 25th caller you and you friends will win an all expense paid 1 week vacation to Hawaii and get to see One Direction on tour live. Get your phones ready to call 555-4309 right after this song, " the radio declared. You see I usually don't event try with these but hey.. I was feeling lucky this time. The song that came on was One Thing by One Direction, it was one of my favorite songs due to Louis' solo in it. I don't know what it is about him that I love but he's my favorite none the less.

"But I need that one thing, and you've got that one thing," The song ended as we sang along. "Call 555-4309 to win the tickets. Hurry only one caller will win!" the radio continued.

"Everyone you know what we must do!" and with that we were all calling.

Janessa was caller 4, so she tried again and ended up being caller 36. "Darn it, i was so close!" she exclaimed.

When Sadie called it continued ringing until finally someone answered, "Hello you sadly didn't win the tickets, but what you did win was a signed copy of the up all night album for being luck caller number 24." She was hyper ventilating and kept screaming, "They actually touched it!"

I knew that I wouldn't get the tickets because I stumbled with my phone and ended up calling last... I ended up being the unlucky caller 43.

The voice came back onto the radio seconds later with none other than Catrina. "So how do you think you did?" the voice questioned.

"Well I'm hoping I won, but I guess if I didn't I'll get over it," she claimed, but knowing her she would never let it go.

"Let's say you did win, who would you bring?"

We all sat there not speaking, desperately awaiting her answer when she finally spoke. "That is a really great question, I didn't thing about that with the rush of the call."

Catrina's POV

I really wanted to bring Sophie, but then I thought about it a little more ignoring the fact that I was on the phone. I knew for a fact I was taking Sadie because she is the biggest directioner I know, how could I leave her. I also had to bring Janessa, due to the fact that she was like my sister.

But the third person was undecided. It was like the angel devil arguments you see in cartoons on the person's shoulders but they were my friends, not the angel and the devil. I mean I love Bizzy but she liked my man, and I don't want any competition for Niall. Although, I don't even think Sophie liked One Direction, I think she was obsessed with like Greyson Chance I think his name was, but that means she wouldn't like Niall. I don't know what I was going to do.

"Hellooo? Are you still there?" Crap, I was still on the phone, I was to lost in thought to remember.

"Wait, what was the question again? Sorry I got distracted," I admitted.

"If you won the tickets who would you bring?" the voice stated rather annoyed.

"Oh, yeah... Umm I would for surely bring 3 of my best friends," I said still not knowing who the third person would be.

I could tell the person was getting irritated with me because the next thing they said was, "Listen lady, I'm getting bored here are you going to tell me their names or not?"

I still didn't know who the third person would be.



Sorry this chapter is so short, it's my story. If you have recommendations comment, or if you like it vote for it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2013 ⏰

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