Chapter 2

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I grabbed my black cardigan and purse, prepared to go out with my friends and walked out the door. The day was fading away, blue sky being replaced by oranges and pinks. The cafe was a short five minute walk, but enough to enjoy the view of crystal clear waves crashing onto sun bleached sand where former surfers had enjoyed. I was the first one to arrive and sat patiently, daydreaming of the city that never sleeps with their headlights always turned on. Maddie arrived shortly after, but she was acting strange, something was on her mind. It was like a parasite was eating away at her brain, her feet kept a quick paced rhythm and her eyes were intently fixated on her cup of coffee she ordered. Maybe she just needed to chill out on the caffeine but I was wrong because once all of us were seated at the table, she dropped a massive bombshell on us....


I couldn't believe my ears. The reaction was intensely silent. She was moving, no not just moving house or school, but moving countries!!!! And the worst part is that she's moving at the end of the year. So after 13 years of being best friends, she fails to tell us this massively impacting news until half a semester until she leaves. My brain throbbed, I didn't know how to react. Do I act excited for her? Do I cry? Do I walk away? Do I make a joke about going with her? Or do I shout at the top of my lungs? Well I didn't do any of those, I sat there like a brick. An absolutely shocked brick. James was the first to speak with the idea of a farewell party. So we started to organise, moods already improved from the bad news. By the time we had to leave we were talking like nothing had happened, obviously adjusted to the 'bombshell' and parted our different ways for dinner. Upon returning home, the sunset was kissing the reflected water, it was a perfect photo moment so it was impossible for me not to reach for my phone and capture the moment.


Dinner with my family was filled with the normal stuff. So much talk about school.....bad enough that I have to attend let alone worry about it during my own time. It'll be alright as it is the last term and formal is looming closer, I just need to find a way to adjust to Maddie leaving. It'll be alright, but for some reason I have a really bad feeling about something. It's a sickening sensation and I wish I knew what it meant, oh well, only time will tell. I decided to have an early night to keep revived and fresh for the first day of term. I fell asleep smiling, dreaming of the city that never sleeps.


The sun rudely awakened my sleep, flooding my room with light. Attempting to entice me out of bed, but to no avail as I lay there reflecting on my dream. A faded image of a beautiful metallic blue ford falcon xw roaring down a dirt road far out in the desert not caring about the destination. The image slowly faded into a visual of city, with no dying light, the atmosphere buzzing and not a modernised car to be seen in sight. The vision slowly disappeared as I looked over at my clock which showed the time of 6.23. By not having to leave for school for another hour, I leisurely made my way to the shower. The scene of cherry blossoms soak my hair as the warm water ran down my back and I try my hardest to avoid conditioner in my eyes.


School always has its struggles, but when you are forced to join every single over achieving extra curricular activity the school has to offer by your parents just to prove intelligence for extra credit - yeah that's an exhausting struggle. Don't get me wrong I actually enjoy the spelling bees, math decathlons and debating - just as much as Emerson's gang enjoys to torment me about it. I do realise that torment might be a harsh word but considering the pranks and jokes hurled at me, it is accurate. Emerson is the queen of evil, the Maleficient of Monta Vista high school, basically the mean girl of grade 12. Then her little posy that follows her, admires her and is her servants. They lift her higher up in popularity. And then her boyfriend who is an absolute jerk, he is an absolute player. Just last week while my friends and I were out at the movies, Jake (the jerk) was there too. But guess what?! He wasn't there with Emerson noooooo, he was there with Brittany - another one of the posy. So not only is he a jerk but a cheat. Only one more term of facing them before I'm free.


I decided to embrace my first day with my maroon sweetheart cropped top; black skirt matching my black ankle boots and cardigan; loosely curled hair and an optimistic attitude. The end of spring was near and I could sense it as I walked out beside the pool to enjoy my breakfast, (which was a fresh mix of berries served with yoghurt), as the breeze gently kissed my cheeks and the sunshine warmed upon my face. It was a great day to a potentially great term.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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