chapter 1: Hope burried deep within Emptiness

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Year 2120 the City of Tokyo was a bustling city especially at night with neon flashing lights from buildings, cars and other electronic things filled with wires and circuits. The war between Vampires and Humans was over. So many years have passed since the end that led to a new beginning.

It was a cold night. A lonely Vampire sat on the rooftop looking at the stars. He was remembering old memories that made him smile and then memories that made him cry. He hated this confliction inside of him battling for power and control. His emotions went wild on the inside but on the outside he was calm."..Yu-Chan..I'm so lonely..its been so hard since you went to sleep..I want to go to sleep to now.." The old vampire trapped in a young body stood up wiping away his tears."Its time I went on patrols.." He turned around to be greeted by his comrade Lacus."Oi, take over my shift I'm done patrolling for the night." Mika nodded and walked past Lacus.

Lacus watched Mika walk away."....Mika..Don't let yourself get distracted on the Job.." Mika didn't answer as he left the rooftop. Lacus shrugged and sat down with a bottle of blood. Mika's job was to supervise and make sure no fights broke out between the humans and vampires who hated the idea of coexistence. There were rebel factions inside the city and on the outside. Mika was lost in thought thinking about his precious angel. He placed his hand on his heart gripping his shirt slightly as he furrowed his eyebrows at the memory of Yu's last moments in life.

Mika's Memory

" you want anything?..a-are you cold?..." Mika asked as he held Yu's frail hand in his own. Yu held Mika's hand as much as he possibly could."....I'm..okay..Mika.." Mika could barely hear Yu's words. Yu was getting colder more cold than Mika was. Mika couldn't take it anymore, his tears spilled down his cheeks and dripped onto Yu's hand. Mika trembled as he bit his bottom lip drawing blood."Mika...Mika...don't crying...okay? look better when..y-you smile.." Yu struggled to keep his eyes opened."...Yu-chan..please don't use anymore of your to rest alright?..y-you'll feel better once you've rest up." Mika's voice cracked in between his sobs.

Yu struggled to move his other hand up to Mika's cheek. He could barely move. Mika gently placed Yu's hand on his cheek." you somet....hing.. For a-a long...time now.." Yu began to have trouble breathing. Mika leaned down closer to Yu."..What is it Yu-chan?..please tell me." Yu couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. His body began to go limp." ....ou.." Yu breathed his last breath and fell into eternal sleep. Mika gasped and his eyes went wide."Yu-chan...Yu....Chan...Yu....." The tears wouldn't stop. Mika leaned down to Yu's forehead and moved strands of his white hair to the side."I love you to, Yu-chan...i-i..always have..ever since the orphanage.. " Mika kissed his forehead.

Kruel was on the other side of the door listening to Mika mourn over Yu's death. Kruel then walked in the room."...Mikaela..." Mika didn't avert his gaze from Yu. Kruel looked at the two with sorrow in her eyes."...Mikaela...I' sorry.." Mika stood up from his seat laying Yu's arms gently on his stomach. Mika walked toward the wall and punched it repeatedly full of holes as he screamed and cried."Mikaela stop!! You'll make the walls collapse!!" Kruel yelled. Mika stopped as he slid down against the wall onto his knees. He leaned against it as he burried his face into his hands. Kruel approached Mika."...Mika...I'm sorry for your loss...I' sorry."

Present night

Mika snapped out of his thoughts as he heard yelling and could smell blood. He ran towards that direction and spotted a gang of humans beating up a vampire. The vampire was clearly strong enough to fight back but he chose not to. Mika furrowed his brows and attacked the humans by knocking them out. Mika looked at the vampire on the ground."..Are you alright?." Mika asked in a monotoned voice. The vamp nodded as he stood up."Thank you for saving me." The vampire gave a wide smile on his face. Mika's eyes widened remembering that smile. It reminded him of Yu's sweet smile. Mika trembled a bit as he gritted his teeth.

"Is something wrong?.." The vamp asked. Mika shook his head side to side."Its should go home..IT isn't safe out here at night.." Mika said as he dashed off. It hurt so much, seeing that smile made Mika's heart sink. Mika wanted to see that smile again but he knew that he never ever would again. Mika ran into a human as he ran off with no destination in mind."S-Sorry.." Mika quickly apologized and made eye contact with the stranger. Jade eyes was what his blue eyes met with."Are you okay?" The human asked looking at Mika with concern. Mika did not speak, he couldn't. Mika uttered only a single name."...Yu-chan.. "

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