Chapter 4: A Reason To Live

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Chess giggled as she drew out her sword." This should be fun~ " Mika had a deathly glare in his crimson eyes." Don't get so full of yourself Chess Belle." She laughs slightly with an amused look on her face." Neither should you little brat! You should respect your elders." Mika smiled for only a second." Ha..I have no respect for anyone except for Yu-chan and Kruel." She shrugs and smirked as she attacked without warning. Her blade aimed to Mika's forehead. Mika easily dodged and grabbed her by the neck as he slammed her into the ground causing the ground to crack and pieces of rock to fly in the air. he tightens his grip around her neck." Will you surrender now?" Mika asks in his monotone cooled voice. She growled slightly and cursed under her breath as shivers of fear went up her spine. Mika tightened his grip around her a bit more causing her to gasp for breath.

Yu watched this all play out in horror. Yu knew Mika was a vampire but he didn't know Mika was capable of so much power and strength. Yu swallowed thickly as he saw Mika slowly killing the vampire underneath him. Yu knew Mika was only protecting him but he didn't want to see Mika kill."Mika!!.." Yu called out as he came out of his hiding place. Mika looked over at Yu from the corner of his eye."yu-chan?.." Yu walked a little bit towards Mika and the other vampire."..Don't kill her..please.." Mika glanced at Yu and then glared down at the vampire who tried to take Yu from him."...She tried to harm you Yu-chan..she was going to kill you and I will not allow that to ever happen again." Yu knitted his brows in confusion." Again...?" Mika was silent for a moment as he held his death grip around Chess's neck."...I'll explain to you Yu-chan after I finish her off."

Mika continued to choke her as her eyes began to roll to the back of her head. Yu watched unable to do anything. This was Yu's first time witnessing a vampire kill in his second life. Mika was about to snap her neck but a new presence presented itself in front of Mikaela and yuichiro. Mika looked up a bit irritated and had blood lust visibly in his eyes. It was Crowley who had approached them." Hello, Mika-kun. If you would be so kind please do unhand her." Mika growled slightly and hesitantly let go of her. Chess was knocked unconscious on the ground." Thank you for your generosity." Crowley spoke as he picked up Chess. Mika stood up glaring slightly at him." Make sure to keep her in check.. She should know that its against the law to drink directly from a human unless they give you permission or pay a human at a blood bank.." Crowley nodded with a sigh." yes I am well aware of the new laws."

Crowely glanced at Yu and was shocked. Crowely remembered that face before. He remembered battling that boy before during the Vampire Human war. Crowley smiled slightly."I'll be going now." Crowley walked off with Chess without saying another word. Mika looked over at Yu."..Yu-chan.." Yu looked at Mika for a moment with so much emotion shown in his emerald green eyes. Mika approaches Yu and was gentle as he wrapped his arms around Yu."Yu-chan..its all gonna be okay now..I won't let anyone else hurt you, never again." Yu felt comfortable in Mika's embrace. This warm feeling and this person before him was all to familiar to him and yet he couldn't remember why this boy hugging him was so important and so familiar. Yu was skeptical but at the same time not afraid to hold Mika as well. Yu burried his face in the crook of Mika's neck." body..I feel like deep down I know I've known you for so many years.."

Mika's heart fluttered and his hopes had been risen. Mika looks into those beautiful green eyes that lit up his dark world. Yu was his candle light and his happiness. Mika would do everything he could to keep his beloved one by his side once again and this time for all eternity. Yu looked back into Mika's enchanting red eyes filled with love. Yu could sense Mika's overflowing love and affection towards him. Yu and Mika were attracted together like magnets."Mika...I know that I know you..yet I can't remember how I know you..Mika tell me remember.. Please.." Yu's tone of voice was soft and pleading. Mika stroked the boys ebony colored hair with care."Yu-chan..I'll tell you everything little by little." Mika didn't want to overwhelm Yu with to much information. Mika wanted to help Yu's deepest memories from the past that lied dormant, break free at a easy pace.

"Let's go inside." Mika gently took hold of Yu's hand and led Yu up stairs into Yu's apartment. Yu took out his keys and unlocked the door. Once inside, Mika closed and locked the door. Mika smiled as he scanned Yu's room. It was very much like Yu's tastes and personality. Yu sits down at the couch and pats the empty seat beside him. Yu waited eagerly for Mika to come to him. He sits down beside Yu and looks at him with fondness."Yu-chan..I..I don't know where to start." Yu bites his bottom lip gently then scoots slightly closer to Mika."Tell me why you call me Yu-chan." Mika perks up at that and smiled more as he remembered the memory at the orphanage." was the first day I met you and once we introduced ourselves to each other, right then and there I wanted to call you Yu-chan." Mika chuckled lightly."It took awhile for you to open up to me though."

Yu smiled with a nod."Makes sense, you gotta earn my trust before getting to friendly..explains why I felt so safe and so familiar with you when we met." Mika looks into Yu's emerald green eyes."Yes, it does explain a lot." Mika scoots a lil closer to Yu."We were apart of a big family.. We both were in a orphanage and we were the eldest..we always looked out for each other." Mika gently brushed his gloved fingertips over Yu's hand. His vision was being blurred by tears at the memories. Yu could see that and holds Mika's hands in his own."This seems more harder on you than've been hurting for so long.." Yu spoke in a soft tone. Mika looks at Yu for a moment and then rests his forehead against Yu's right shoulder."I've missed You..I miss being with my Yu-chan..its so lonely and I just I wanted to give up on living after losing you..but now I have a reason to live again."

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