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"What is this all about?" A grunt sounded from the tall grass behind the lionesses. A large, fairly white  lion stood one foot taller than the lionesses, who seemed to cower in his presence.

"These a-are the rotten c-cubs who s-stole our kills." The younger one avoided eye contact with the large beast.

"And? What is with all this Savagery you two are planing to commit against these cubs? Have you no pride? These leopards are two times smaller than you, and you plan on killing them? How would this be fair, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked calmly. 

"I-I don't know.." The younger one mumbled.

"You don't what? Speak up. God gave you lungs strong enough to roar! And so god help me  you will speak louder." He commanded.

"It's not sire.. We apologize. We were just saying how wrong we were among ourselves, weren't we Adongo?" The older one nudged the younger.

"Y-yes, we were j-just saying exactly th-that. We also s-said how w-we were j-just leaving, r-right Bakko?" She nodded vigorously.

"Is that so?" He asked. The two nodded once more. "And your still here?" He sighed calmly. They nodded. "Why are you still here?" He glared at them and they darted away into the grass.

"Thank you ever so much." Reeah plopped down from the tree. "Mister..." She attempted to guess, but appeared to have no clue.

"Please, just Abioye (ah-bee-oh-yay) will do." He said, firm. Something about the cold-stare he gave the two lionesses from off in the distance sent a tremble down Ryo's spine.

"Well then.. if that's all you wanted to do, you know, help, then we really must e going. Thanks again Abioye." Leo gave a bow to the graceful yet fearsome lion. They all began to head off hesitantly when the feline said,

"Oh, and cubs?" They turned around slowly, in almost perfect unison and gulped. "Do avoid the lion caves and especially avoid lions. This includes me, I will not save you again." He gave a respective head bow and, poetically, wandered off into the direction of the sunset. Who was this beast of all beasts? Wondered Ryo. 


Leaping down from his tree branch and avoiding eye contact with his mother's suspicious glare, Ryo nudged Leo awake. Leo had stayed at their tree that night on a lower branch, towards Dolia's branch, Ryo noticed with eye-roll. Dolia woke as soon as Leo did and the three were off, making sure to steer clear of both Reeah and the lion cave's. Reeah was forced to stay near her mother for a few sun-up's and moon-rise's as punishment for her non-cautious behavior.

Ryo led the trio as usual with Dolia and Leo walking next to one another, awkwardly babbling whenever their hackles collided. 

"Oh! Leo, your fur is so soft.. How did you manage to do that?" Dolia flirted.

"Ah, it's nothing really. I could show you how to do it actually. You have to lick your fur like this." Leo licked his front right paw, the opposite way that the fur naturally flowed and then with the flow of the fur.

"Hmm, I still don't get it." Dolia lied with a cutely dumb expression.

"Here." Leo leaned towards her and began licking the young female cubs hackles in example. 

"Stop it you two! Either that or get a tree and leave me be!" Ryo stomped his paw after turning to face the two. They went silent almost immediately but Ryo could tell they were considering whether they would go off alone together or not. Apparently they decided not because they continued to follow behind Ryo hesitantly.

Ryo continued walking and didn't look back to see if they were still following. "Where're we going, Rye?" Dolia asked in a hushed voice, using the nickname mother called me whenever she wanted my forgiveness.

"Oh, you're still here." He mumbled. "To Dead Hill, to visit Aster. That is, if you're not to scared." I mocked her fear of the hill she'd had since we first heard of it.

"N-no! I'm not scared. Are you Leo?" Dolia shivered slightly.

"Nope. Mom has us visit every once in a while to see my dad." Leo sounded confident.

"Good. I'm glad we're not scared." Ryo continued to mock Dolia. Ryo wasn't sure but he thought he heard Leo whisper something like,

"Don't be afraid, Dolly, everyone dies." And then she whimpered and said,

"I know, i'm afraid of death itself. I mean, look at Aster. She wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. Especially not death. And that's what took her." Dolia made her case. Again, Ryo rolled his eyes and continued walking. The hill was in sight now, and he began to quicken his pace. The others followed suit.

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