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I'm Addison Murphy, in eighteen years old, I live with mother and father, who don't care a whole lot about me. I'm just an average teenage girl.

Today I have to attend co op, and geography, just let every other day. The good thing about my school, is that when you're a senior, you only have to take once class + co op. My first class is geography, but apparently we are supposed to be getting a new teacher... I just ignore it cause people always say that, and have been saying that since a few months ago. It's probably gonna be the same old stupid ugly ass geography teacher, did I mention, was a complete douche bag.

Everyone in the class is already here, the teacher isn't though. I decide to review a few things in geography, and work on the things I haven't finished. I hear the teacher walk in, but don't pay attention. I continue you writing down things. I hear someone clear their throat above me, meaning for me to pay attention. I look up, and it's not mr conelly.. It's our new geography teacher. I quickly put away my things and pay straight attention to him. He smiles. He looks way younger than the other teachers here. He's also pretty attractive which is surprising.

"Hello class, I'll be your new geography teacher, my name is mr james" he writes it on the chalk board. He dresses well too. He's wearing a grey suit, with a white dress shirt, and a red tie. His hair is slicked up, but I can see that it's kind of curly. He has brown eyes, that match his brown hair. He's also grown a little bit of a beard. Not to much though, it's just peaking through.

"I'm gonna do the attendance, when I call your name just say here. It will be easier to get your names down pat" he calls a few names and everyone is saying here. He checks them off of the list. "Never heard this name before. Addison?" I gulp. "Here" I quietly say. He looks up and slightly smiles at me. "I've never heard that name before. It's a really nice name" I quickly smile as he continues on with attendance. "Okay I want this class to go well for all of you, so all I ask is don't speak while I'm speaking, pay attention, and get your work done. Understood?" Everyone nods. Wow, he's actually a very laid back teacher. Mr conelly would yell at his for nothing, literally.. Nothing. But there's something about mr james. I don't know though. I mean, he's for sure way different from mr conelly.. He's laid back, chill, attractive.. Really attractive. He also seems really sweet.

But what sucks is that he probably has a wife, and kids. He's a teacher and I'm a senior. He could risk his job, and ruin his life if he ever tried anything, which he wouldn't. So I should probably stop thinking about this now..

Before I know it, I'm in a daze. "Addison, can you tell me what trench is located my the Philippines?" I snap out of it. I quickly answer. "The Philippine trench" he nods. "Correct. Good job. I thought I seen you day dreaming, but you still got it right, good for you" I giggle nervously. Little did he know I was day dreaming about him.

His phone goes off. It's a text message notification. He reads it and smiles. Probably his wife either sending him nudes or her telling him to hurry his ass home so he can fuck her brains out. Puts his phone down, and for some reason jealousy crashes into me. I'm not saying I want him or anything, I mean it's wrong if I did, I don't know if I do, but it's wrong. I just think he's attractive. That's all. I think anyways. The bell rings. As I'm walking out of the class room a kid rushes past me and sheets out of my binder fly everywhere! Great. I hear footsteps coming towards me. Mr james. He leans down and pick up a few papers and hand them to me. His hands are huge, he's also not wearying a wedding ring. I think I stare at his hands a little too long. I finally meet eye to eye with him. He faintly smiles. "Thank you" I say nervously. He eyes me up and down, and nods. I byte my lip and take a piece of my hair, and tuck it behind my ear. He turns around, and I walk out.

I walk in my house. Of course my mom and dad are sitting down watching tv and smoking. That's all they ever do. I do admit it I smoke too. Cigarettes and weed, it's good because they don't give a shit, they also don't give a shit about me. "What's for dinner" I ask putting my bag on table. "When do we ever make dinner? Find something your self" I sigh, all I usually eat is Kraft dinner, or fruit and vegetables. My mom and dad have never really cared about me. Since the age of four, I'd dress me self, walk my self to school, walk my self home. Do my homework by my self. Make my own lunch, everyday. Isn't that sad. The age of four.


I wake up at 7:00. I hop in the shower and wash my hair and body, I get out and brush my hair, leaving it down. I put on a black pair of tights and a pink sweater. I quickly put on some makeup. It's 7:45 I have 20 minutes to get to school. I decide to have a bowl before I go. I pull out my bong from my closet, I back my bowl piece, and I take out my lighter. I light it, and inhale. I pull through all the way, and exhale. Wake and bake. I put it back in my closet. Ive never went to school high, but for some reason, I decide too.

I enter geography, and sit in my seat, I check my self in my phone. My eyes are red and glossy, and I look high as fuck. But I hope mr james doesn't notice. He walks in and says hello. Everyone says it back, except for me, I'm out of the loop. Im looking at him, with a big ass smile on my face. It won't go away. I see him look at me. I know that he knows I'm high. Cause he furrows his eyebrows, and then nods to himself. I stop smiling because I probably look like a fucking goof. I start singing to myself, because I usually sing when I'm high. He starts handing out sheets to everyone. As soon as he hands me mine, he whispers in my ear. "You might wanna take eyes drops next time dear" he giggles. Shit. I put my head down embarrassed. Is it that noticeable?

After I finish my work, I still have 20 minutes left. I decide to take a snooze for the rest of class. I'm burning out. After a little bit I open my eyes, no ones in the class room, mr james is just sitting at his desk working on something. "Where is everyone?" I ask rubbing my eyes. "Class ended 20 minutes ago" he keeps working, not looking at me. I sigh. Laying my head back down. "Why didn't you wake me" I mumble into my arm. "Because I didn't want to wake you, you seemed like you were enjoying your rest, plus you were burnt out" I start blushing. Burnt out is what happens when you're high. Near the end you get really tired and down. "Don't be embarrassed Addison, who doesn't get high every once in a while. I'm a teacher, and I admit I do it whenever I'm bored, or stressed out." I giggle. He really is chill.

I pick up my things, and I'm about to exit class. "Listen to me, take care of your self, and be careful when you smoke, I should be telling you that's it's bad and not to do it, but you are your own person, so I'll just look out for you" I smile and walk away. 'I'll just look for you'
Those words stick in my head all day.

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