Chapter 11

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Sonic had offered to walk me to the castle, so I may speak with Sonia and apologize to Shadow.
"What exactly should I say to him? He said for me to stay away." I asked
"Well, I'll talk to him and bring'm to ya, then you can do the rest." He nudged my shoulder,
"How cheerful." I said sarcastically,

"So I was thinking." He said, "maybe we don't have to go see them yet, I mean you DID just get here. How about I show you around?" He suggested
"Oh that's great!" I exclaimed relieved, he grinned "okay, first things first. I'm getting you a chilidog."

"I don't understand." I said a bit baffled, "it's a kind of food, not actual dog though." He said making me sigh,
"I have much to learn about this place." I shrugged making him laugh a bit.

"It'll be fun, want me to carry ya there?" He asked stoping on a sidewalk, "carry me? Sonic I'm no child." I joked, he grinned, "well if you can't keep up I'm not running."

"Oh, so your name says it all? Fast? I am the fastest flyer In my family." I smirked, he knelt to a running stance,
"Okay princess, let's see who's the fastest, the place is down the main road and take a left at the town square."

I nodded and opened my wings, "I'll beat you." I said with a straight face,
"Same here sister." He replied in a serious tone.

Then a gush of wind almost knocked me over, I looked and saw a blue blur running off, I quickly flew up and after him.

The wind felt amazing, when was the last time I actually flew? A couple days- er- a thousand years. This is gonna be hard.

I flapped as hard as I could after him, I took the left and saw him still running, I landed the same time as him arriving at the food place.

I put my hands on my knees and panted, "wow, you're f-fast.."
Sonic laughed, "so are you." He wasn't even out of breath!
"Let's get some food." I nodded to him and followed him to a bench outside of the red brick building, we sat down and ordered some food, Sonic chose me out a normal chilidog, he got a spicy one.

"Soo," he started, "what was it like living as a medieval princess?" He asked,
I shrugged, "how do I put this..?" I pondered, "I was always being taught something, it seemed everyday someone important came by for dinner making me have to behave well." I giggled, "but I loved it."

He nodded, "sounds nice, don't worry we'll get ya back soon." He grinned taking a bite from his bread wrapped meat, I took a bite from mine and smiled widely, I quickly swallowed and wiped my mouth with a napkin,
"this is delicious!!"

He laughed, "I'm glad you like it!" He said before he swallowed, "it's been my favorite thing in the world for... my whole life." I laughed at that.
"This tastes similar to some musket I use to eat all day everyday." I said happily.

When we finished we started walking down a long path to the castle, he told me about his many many adventures. I was feeling a lot more comfortable when Amy showed up, "hey!" She snapped, "what are you-" she got up in my face, "doing with my Sonic?!"

"Amy calm down-" "and you!" She interrupted him, "what's going on?!"
Sonic rolled his eyes, "Amy, I'm just trying to make Angie more comfortable here." Sonic said calmly, I nodded,
"he wasn't trying anything inappropriate if that's what's worrying you." I added. Amy crossed her arms and frowned, "are you sure, look Angel I really want us to be friends but if you're trying to date Sonic then-"
I laughed, "Amy, I see me and Sonic as close friends," I looked at him for reassurance, he nodded cooly. so I continued, "nothing will happen besides that between us, on my honor."

She appeared reluctant, but sighed nodding, "okay then fine, but I'm coming with you two wherever you're going."
Sonic chuckled, "sure Ames." And we walked to the castle yet again.

Oh my GAWRSH!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in for-flippin-ever!
BUT I GOTS INTERNET BACK! I won't be on 24/7 tho.
I have... let's see.. 4/5 official projects open right now, only one will be put on wattpad tho. I also have a bunch of practice books, one is a Video Game FanFic which I might post when finished, but it's a total maybe.
And I've been working on getting fit cause I wanna join a roller derby! And I've been reading and researching and blah blah blah
the point is I'm friggin' busy!
Again I'm sorry for being so late I'm really trying hard.

Well this chapter is really a filler, I have pending plans for this and hope it will turn out alright.
G-bye everybody and again I'm sorry.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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