Chapter 1

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Carlisle's POV-1663

  I was staring down at my father's grave in sorrow. I knew he would die but not this soon. I was alone now. My mother died giving birth to me and I had no siblings, no friends, just me, myself, and I. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw the priest there.
"He's in a place with God now, my son. Let's get you back home before you freeze." I let him lead me to my house. It was right behind the church so I wouldn't be alone all the time. I thanked him when we got to the front door and went inside to get warmed up. It was mid-November and it kept getting colder. I'm surprised snow hasn't fallen yet.
  It was getting pretty late so I headed up the stairs to my bedroom to get some rest. I opened my door and there was a woman in the middle of my bedroom.
"You will pay for my suffering." The woman started chanting and I realized it was the one that got burned at the stake. She finished and I then felt immense pain. I tried not to cry out while the pain lasted.
  I wasn't sure how long it had been but I woke up feeling stronger than before. It was dark out but it wasn't cold like it was. It felt warm, almost, spring season warm. I could see every detail in clear precise vision and I could smell all different smells that I didn't know existed until now. I could smell the bakery that was across the street. I didn't know what happened but I suddenly felt an overwhelming thirst that seemed unquenchable when I thought to drink anything. I could smell the most amazing smell when a knock sounded. I didn't move from where I was but stayed still and waited. It smelled so good but the idea of that was wrong. I was repulsed by it. Whoever was knocking at the door seemed to go away and the smell got fainter as well. It was probably the priest coming to check on me. I got up and was surprised by the speed at which I did it at. I was faster than normal, too. I entered the bathroom and found the mirror. I jumped back in horror. I had blood red eyes staring back at me. What happened to me? I tried remembering what I did but nothing popped out. I knew I couldn't go out in public looking like this but I didn't know what I was to do.
  It had been weeks and I haven't left this house. Someone keeps knocking every day but I still don't answer. It's like something or someone is telling me not to. I can't explain it. I feel like I'm getting weaker with my self control because every day I inch closer to the door but stay out of the windows view if anyone would to look inside. I was currently hiding under a table just a few feet from the door. I discovered days ago that I sparked in the sunlight. It was weird when I noticed it at first but I laughed it off. A vampyr that sparkled in the sunlight. How ironic?
"He won't come out at all and I'm worried about him."
"Well, ma'm, we'll try to have him come out but I can't promise anything." I could hear a set of keys and the opening of the door that I was a few feet from. The constable and a woman that looked around my age came in but they didn't see me yet. At least it was nightfall. The woman looked at the constable and he fell to the ground.
"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone your secret if you don't tell anybody my secret. I'm a witch like Anabel was." The woman than turned around and smiled at me. I held out my hand.
"Carlisle Cullen madam."
"Oh the formalities. I'm Ignus. Anabel's sister. The one your father burned at the stake." Her hand connected with mine and I was out.
  I woke up to hear voices all around me. I felt like I was chained down and tried to break away from the chains.
"The more you struggle the more tight the chains will get." The chains got tighter. I looked to my right and saw an older woman with Ignus.
"Where am I? What did you do?"
"First, you're still in England just on the outskirts. Second, I had to bring you here so that the villagers wouldn't kill you." She was grinding something in a bowl but I couldn't smell it. I couldn't use any of my strengths at all.
"Oh, and one more thing, you are still a vampire I just took away your strengths for the time being. You ask a lot of questions you know?" I just layed back down and waited.
"You have a bright future ahead Carlisle Cullen. I can see it in your soul that you're not evil like so many people out there. You judge whether or not someone is good or evil." I saw the elderly lady right next to me and jumped.
"I'm sorry about her. She gets carried away with reading someone's soul. I can see that as well I just don't say anything." Ignus was on the other side of me with that bowl again.
"Drink up. You're going to need a lot of energy for where you're going." Ignus tilted the bowl towards my lips. I could smell a hint of the most delicious scent. I lifted up my head and drank. It tasted like blood but better. I can't describe it. They both unchained me and motioned for me to follow them.
  They took me out to the forest skirt.
"Going straight through here will lead the way but know this; great dangers will arise if you are not careful. Be wise with who you trust with your secrets and ours. I hope to see you again." She pulled me in a hug and so did the elderly woman.
"Take care, Carlisle Cullen." Then they were gone.
  It took some time until I found a city again. All the buildings were made of clay colored stone and red shingles. I could see a clock tower in the distance and a person was in an opening right below it. It was a woman with long brown hair and was wearing a deep blue dress. She motioned me over with just one finger. I sped through the dark on the rooftops and made my way towards her. I was almost to her when someone slammed into me. I flipped out of their grasp and started growling.
"Hurry and come inside. We don't want anyone to see you. Please!" I saw the woman I was coming towards and got out of my crouch. I followed her and the person that knocked me down.
"Mistress, what will master Aro say? He won't be pleased with this."
"He won't have to know. We'll be going in through the tower. He can leave tomorrow night as soon as the sun goes down." We were jumping into the opening under the clock. It got dark and then light again. It looked like someone lived here.
"My name's Lila by the way. Someone told me you'd be coming." Now that I saw her she looked like the witches in the woods.
"Are you related to Ignus?"
"She's alive? I thought she died when the house burned down- wait. You're the one that burned down our house. You made me think she died along with my grandmother. How could you!?!"
"I didn't do anything that was my father!" I finally looked at her and saw she had red eyes and I'm sure I did as well.
"When were you changed?" I'm sure someone wouldn't have this much self control if they were turned recently.
"I've been like this for almost a month now. I can't leave or I'll die." I just nodded my head.

  Lila and I didn't talk much so I took up reading as to pass the time. Soon it got close to sunset.
"You don't want to stay? You could join us and live here. You can stay with me." I looked up from the book I had at her.
"I had been thinking about it some but I don't like killing people. I hunt animals instead."
"That's perfect! Aro will let you stay. He'll be intrigued by you so much. Please, Carlisle, just go to the front door. It's right below us if you jump out the window here." I thought it over and decided that it might do some good to settle down for a while. I returned the book and jumped out the window. I avoided any eye contact until I got to my destination. I knocked a few times and the door opened to show a girl that looked no more than perhaps 13 years of age.
"Follow me." I followed this girl for some time and we came to a throne room. There were 3 men on thrones that I guess are the kings. I saw Lila next to Aro and she smiled but then here smile faded. I wonder why.

"Jane! Who do we have here?"

"My name is Carlisle Cullen, sir." I bowed in respect. I wasn't sure what to do but it seemed like the best thing to do.

"Well, Carlisle Cullen, I'm glad you've come. Will you lend me your hand? I have a gift that allows me to see another persons thoughts by touch." I was about to respond but Lila beat me to it.

"Do you really have to do that to everyone who comes here? It gets boring if you ask me. He doesn't look trustworthy to me and you know that almost everyone I see come through here looks trustworthy. Let him go back to where ever he came from." I knew she didn't mean it but it hurt.

"Hmm. Very well. I will take your word. I'm sorry but you have to leave." Jane escorted me back out and I wasn't sure where to go now. I didn't have any directions to go anywhere. Maybe I'll just become a nomad for the time being. It would be nice to explore the world. I followed Jane out and she gave me tickets for a ship going to the Americas. It was a new settlement that Christopher Columbus discovered.

"It's a private ship so you don't have to worry about anything."

  It was indeed a private ship because I was the only one on it. It took months to reach the new world but I finally got there. The boat came to a run down ship yard so no one would see me. I hurried into the forest and hunted. I was very weak and my self control was slipping.

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