Chapter 1.

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Natasha's P.O.V

"HURRY UP NATASHA!! YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOUR PLANE!" My best friend Beth yells to me.

"I'M COMING, I'M COMING!" I yell back just grabbing my bags. 

------- AT THE AIRPORT ---------- 

"Bye Natasha! I'll miss you!  Tell your brother I said hi!!" Beth said to me while crying. 

"Bye babe, I'll miss you too! And I will!" I said while hugging her. 

I walked into the airport and went through security. I can't wait to get to California!!

Let me introduce myself, I'm Natasha Dillon. Yes, Dillon. As in Ricky Dillon's little sister. You know him right? Well anyways, I have light brown, medium length hair with bright turquois eyes. Im the average height, with basically, a model body. Did I tell you I am a model? No.. well I am. Both me and my best friend Beth, are Victoria's Secret models. I met Beth in year 4, and we just clicked right away. Then we moved to the UK and became models. 

My flight was called, so I hoped out of my seat and handed the lady my ticket. When I walked onto the plane, I found my seat easily. I put my bag away and then sat down. After a minute, a girl around my age came an sat down next to me. 

"Hi, I'm Britney." The girl said to me. 

"oh, hey. I'm Natasha." I said shaking her hand. 

"I think I know you from somewhere...?" She suddenly told me.


"Aren't you Natasha Dillon? Victoria's Secret model?" she asked. 

"Yes I am!" i exclaimed. 

"OMG! same!" she yelled earning some glares from people surrounding us.

"Oh, yeah, I remember you know." I said. 

Looking at her properly, I remember her once. Her long brown hair was tied back in a pony tail and her blue eyes were shinging in the sunlight. She was the same height as me, maybe a bit taller. And she had a slight tan. Overall, she was gorgeous! Same with Beth, she had medium length dirty blond hair with green eyes. She was definetly smaller than me, but it was an okay height. She had longs legs to be a model. 

After talking with Britney a bit, I decided to have a nap before we land. 

"Natasha, wake up. Were here." Britney said shaking me. 

"Thanks." i said while grabbing my carry on. 

"Bye Britney. I'll text you later." I called to her as she was walking the oppisite way to me. 

"Yes! Bye Natasha." She calls back.

I go and collect my bags, which was like three bright red suitcases! Hey, I'm a girl, one who likes to look good! Plus I'm staying for the summer! I walked to the entrance of the airport and waited for my ride. 

"NATASHA!!" I hear the familiar sound of my brothers screaming.

"RICKY!!" I scream back jumping into his arms.

"Oh, I missed you so much!! Why did you have to move to the UK?" he asked. 

"well...-" I started.

"OMG! Are you Natasha Dillon?!" a girl around 15 asked me.

"aha! Yes I am Sweetheart. Would you like a picture?" i asked sweetly. I would never be rude to my fans.

"Yes please!!" She jumped up and down smily widely. 

"Ricky, could you please take the picture?" I asked him.

"ummm, yeah, sure..?" He took the girls phone and snap a pic of me and her.

"Whats your name hun?" i asked. 

"Lilly." She said.

"well, it was nice meeting you Lilly. You are very beautiful by the way. Stay weird!!" I said hugging her before walking away with Ricky.

"Thanks you so much Natasha!" She said running away to tell her mum. 

"ummm, Nat? what was that about??" Ricky asked me nervously once we were in the car.

"well... as I was saying, the reason I moved to the UK, was because I got given the opptunity to be a model." I said. 

"Oh!! cool! where?" he asked excitedly.

"oh, ummm, well," I started. "victoria's secrect..." I said whipering, so hopefully he couldn't hear me.

"WHAT?!?!!?!??!?!?" he screamed. Yep, he heard me. 

"Hey, It's my dicision! I'm 18 now Ricky, I can do what I want.!" I yelled back.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just not everyday do you find out your sister's a Victoria's Secret model." he said hugging me.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I didnt tell you sooner." I said. 

------ AT BEACH HOUSE ------- 

"WOW! RICKY THIS HOUSE IS INCREDIBLE!" I scream to Ricky as I run inside with one of my bags, and he grabs the others. 

I quickly stop as I spot 5 super hot guys sitting down in the loung room staring at me. 

"umm, hi.." I say.

"Hi, Im Jc Caylen. And you are?" A guy with brown hair and a beanie on said to me.

"I'm Natasha Dillon. Nice to meet you."

"Hey, I'm Connor Franta!" 

"And I'm Trevor Moran." 

"I'm Sam Pottorff."

"And I'm Kian Lawley." 

And I'm dying of there hottness. 

"Ahhhh, so I see you've met my sister?" Ricky walked in. 



I hope this was alright! I'ts my first chapter and there will be more! :) Please comment and all that jazz!!! it would mean so much to me! Keep reading!!! 

Stay weird my pretties!!

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