Part 10

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(Part 10)

The atmosphere in the Second Realm was no better than the First. Perhaps it was due to the fact that the Second Realm was the realm of wizards, which meant that the elements were even more volatile, and that the imbalance and lack of Light in every corner of the Realm was even worse than the First Realm.

Lucida did her best to breathe in deep, and let the strange tingling sensation on her skin spread outwards, imposing her will on the nature around. Beside her, Hal was panting hard, doing his best to cope against the Darkness that fought to invade the sudden sphere of Light that the queen now radiated around her.

"This is the Day of Darkness." Hal informed grimly, looking already younger than he had been when he was in the First Realm. "We are in the Day after the loss of Light, where Darkness happens all hours until the first spark of Light returns."

"Was it always this cold?" Lucida asked, walking beside her steward, no longer needing the assistance. "Have you experienced the Day of Darkness before, Hal?"

"No. The last Day of Darkness happened almost a century ago, for the last cycle death of Kings happened towards both Light and Darkness, leaving no side victorious and the world balanced." Hal reported in reply. They had spent a long part of the walk as such, with Lucida asking soft, curious questions about the realm that they were both in now –a realm that Lucida was still unready to lead, but forced to nevertheless to regain balance.

"My lady," Hal could not help but revert to his instincts as he paused his footsteps at the sight that was now slowly opening before them, barely lit by feeble power, "do you want to go forth?"

"What place is that?" Lucida asked warily. "Is it the way to the River of Life?"

"That town is Helios. It is a town of Light, but... you understand how Light is oppressed on this Day of Darkness. It is normally brighter and livelier, but I guess every understanding wizard of the Light knows well to hide indoors." Hal answered, still awaiting his queen's orders. The River of Life was on the other side of the town, and it would be quite a hassle to walk around the relatively big town in the Day of Darkness. But Hal was ready to obey anything that his queen said, and ready to respect her if she decided that it was still too early to stand before her new kingdom.

"Then Sol's people are smart individuals." Lucida agreed, taking her first step towards the town. Her intent was clear, and Hal breathed a silent sigh of relief as he rushed to catch up to his queen.

"My people are smart individuals." The woman corrected herself as they walked, and Hal offered no contradiction, because he knew that Lucida was still doing her best to reconcile with herself the fact that she was now not only a being of the Second Realm, but also a ruling leader by the default spark of Light given to her by Sol.

Hal was not surprised to find the streets deserted and the curtains drawn at all windows. Doors were closed and shut tight, and even temporary shops laid abandoned along the small cobble streets as they ventured into town. Hal likened the scene before him with the bustling and busy town that he had often seen, and shivered at the utter difference.

Darkness leaked in every corner, and once more, Hal praised his fellow brethren of the Light of being smart enough to hide the Day of Darkness out. Only idiots or wizards with the strongest will would be walking outside during the Day of Darkness, and Hal was silently afraid that they belonged in the former group.

Still, in determined silence they trod on, as Lucida turned left and right to survey unfamiliar surroundings. Hal kept close to his queen, not surprised that she left an area of relatively brightness in her passing. The new queen was still unconscious of the way she radiated Light, and how it was chasing away bits of the Darkness away. Halfway across the street, Hal had at one point chanced a look backwards, and saw a few shocked faces peeking behind curtains, wondering who the woman who brought Light was.

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