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Luke is your best friend and he has been forever. He has a crush on this girl and he always talks to her. She's really pretty, prettier then most girls you've seen or met.
Your getting really scared that he's going to leave you for her seeings he's been making a lot of moves in her and putting all his focus on her.
A long week had past and you had noticed that he hadn't really been around you as much lately.
The most you talked to him that week was around about twice but they weren't even long conversation's.
That afternoon you decided you'd send him a message saying "hey, I haven't seen you around lately I hope your doing okay :)"
You didn't get a response.

A month had passed and he was at school he just wasn't hanging with you, he was hanging with the girl, he hadn't told you or even mentioned what was going on to you so you didn't know her name, and for all you cared you didn't want to know.
Every day you would go into your phone and check all your apps to see if he had mentioned or even said anything to you or about you, but nothing was there.

Six long months had passed you you began to feel really lonely considering he was your only friend and everyone always made fun of you. You always sat by yourself at the back of the class and at lunch break.

Another six months had passed which made it a year without any comment, message or post about you or mentioning you.
You where constantly wearing long baggy jumpers and pants to cover your skin. You had become depressed from being alone and being bullied all the time. You constantly got dirty looks and mean comments under people's breathes. You always felt like shit. You liked having your headphones in your ears to escape and block out the world. It was your only way.

Another long hard year had passed. He had clearly forgotten about you now. You where probably his last thought not even that. You where always skipping school because you hated it so much. You lived by yourself so you liked the quiet at home.

The weekend had passed and that Monday after you decided to go to school. The day was long like any other day but it had a little difference. Throughout the day you caught glimpses of Luke looking at you but you brushed it off because you really didn't care anymore, so you went on with your day.
That night you decided to go for a walk to clear your head. You where so pissed at Luke because out of the two years he had been ignoring you, the only communication he gave you was a look a fucking look.
As you where walking you came across a small but high bridge you decided to lean against its railing and admire it's river.
You decided to continue walking, until your body had stopped you and your mind had taken over. You started to walk back over to the bridge and climb onto the railing, you had been crying for most of the walk so you wiped all the fresh tears that had fallen from your eyes. You looked at the river below you and took your final breathe before stepping off the railing falling in the cool air into the cold hard water. You ignored your instincts of gasping for air and stayed under the water. The world around you started to get darker as the minute passed, you eventually blanked out completely but you could still hear faint noises. Just seconds later you felt a pair of hands grab you and drag you onto the dry land,pushing up and down on your chest trying to bring you back to life. The last sounds you heard where the sounds of sirens rushing towards you to save you.

About 15 days had passed and you had woken up in a fuzzy white room feeling cold as snow with a lot of needles stuck in your skin.
You faintly saw about the three nurses rushing into your room and smiling and checking to see you where okay. They stayed with you for about 10 minutes before leaving and letting in a tall figure in.

About 5 minutes after the figure was let in your eyes had adjusted more and you looked to see who it was.
It was him the one person you had been wanting to see and hear, it was Luke the boy who destroyed you physically and mentally.

He looked incredibly tired, like he hadn't slept in days. You could tell because he had huge bags under his eyes and the way he was sitting in the seat was really bad for his back.
After about 1 minute of looking at him he noticed you where focused. A smile had lit up on his face. He looked happy that you where more awake or even just awake in general.
He got up off his seat and lent down to hug you. You let him, it felt nice to be in braced  for the first time in 2 years.
He pulled away after about 10 seconds.
You both where just sitting there in silence because you couldn't speak yet.
Half an hour later you didn't feel as sore and you felt you could talk. You where right but you sounded really crackly. The first thing you properly said was " why are you even here if you don't care about me"
He looked at you with sadness and disappointment in himself.
"I am so sorry y/n I got so carried away with my girlfriend and the popularity, that I lost myself, I'm so selfish and I really do understand if you don't want me to be here" he got up and started to walk out but you grabbed his wrist and pulled him back "no Luke please don't leave me again, I love you so much, I've lost you you before and I don't want to loose you again" you had tears streaming down your pale cheeks " I promise you y/n that you will never loose me again, I love you more than anything in this world because you are my world, you are my other half. It hurt me so much to see what I did to you, I made you jump that was me,I'm so fucking stupid, I'm so sorry y/n I promise with everything bone and muscle in my body that you will never loose me again"

You looked in his beautiful blue eyes and you searched for a lie in his words, you couldn't find anything. You slowly sat up in your hospital bed. He came in closer to you and you moved over so he could fit on the bed beside you. You both looked at each other. You eventually fell asleep with his strong warm arms wrapped around you, He never let you go from that day forward, he broke up with his cheating girlfriend and brought a little apartment for you both to live in so you where never lonely or you loose him again. You where happy knowing your forever best friend was now your boyfriend keeping you safe and happy for the rest of your life. Your forgot your past and carried life day by day, not letting anything negative pass through, you loved admiring a man that you love so deeply everyday. All that pain you went through was gone, some flashes come back every now and than but all you need to do is look around yourself to know that in your eyes it was all just a bad dream.


Thanks for reading it, I hope you enjoyed. I know it gets deep but I was kinda in a mood to right something like it, anyways I know it's not the best but for now it's the best I can do. Thanks for reading and if you liked it please vote for it
Love you all
- Chloe xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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