"Alex! You aren't seriously texting him again, are you? You've been completely oblivious the whole day!" complained Kelly while shoving my shoulder.
"Calm down, Kelly! You're making a scene!" I mumbled, hiding behind my curtain of jet black hair. "It's not like I'm gonna die tomorrow! We've got all the time in the world to talk to each other!"
"I keep telling you, Alex, he could be some creep! I mean, you started talking because he got the wrong number! How sketchy is that?" Kelly ranted, using air quotes to emphasize her words. "Mark my words! This is not going to end well."
"Whatever, Kelly, let's just get to class!" I said.
"Okay, talk to you at lunch?" Kelly asked, her voice taking on a hopeful tone.
"Sure," I answered as I walk to my L.A. class.It was fifth period, and I was waiting patiently for our L.A. teacher to stop his constant droning when my phone buzzed in my backpack. I quickly fished it out so Mr. Pebble wouldn't catch onto my scheme.When I looked at who it was, I couldn't resist rolling my eyes. It was Cooper again, and he had come up with a new pickup line.
Cooper: I'm not a photographer, but I can picture you and me together!
Alexis: Ohmygosh, how do I get you to stop that?
Cooper: Want to play 20 questions?
Alexis: Again? Would that stop the pickup lines?
Cooper: Probably, yeah.
Alexis: Okay, you go first then.
Cooper: Favourite color?
Alexis: Black. Favourite movie?
Cooper: Call.
Alexis: Never heard of it, what's it about?
Cooper: This single mother is reading late at night and keeps getting a phone call from an unknown number, and the guy on the other end keeps saying, "I'm watching you..." Afterwards, she calls the cops and gets them to trace the number and the phone call was coming from her basement.
Alexis: Well... that's creepy!
Cooper: Now that that kinda set a creepy scene, what's your worst nightmare?
Alexis: Promise not to make fun of me?
Cooper: Pinky Promise.
Alexis: Ok. Serial Killers. I gotta go, though, so bye!
Cooper: Wow, what, do you not like me anymore? Bye."Okay class, so make sure to do pages 76-87 in your Language Power! Remember, it's due tomorrow!" Mr. Pebble said as the bell rang. I hurried out of the classroom, just as my phone rang. I clumsily fumbled with it, wanting to look at the screen before I answered it. It was my mom. I sighed as I answered the phone.
"Yes, mom?" I asked while trying to navigate the crowded hallways leading to the cafeteria.
"Thank god you answered!" Mom exclaimed, relief dripping off her words, "Listen, I want you to catch a ride with a friend after school. There has been a chain of suspected serial murders in the next town over, so I want you to be careful, okay?"
"Okay Mom, I'm sure I'll be fine though!" I responded, barely able to contain the shake of my own voice.
"Bye honey, love you!"
"Love you too Mom, I gotta go!" I said, just as I walked into the cafeteria. I automatically started scanning the room, looking for Kelly.
"Alexis! Look over here!" Kelly screamed, practically jumping out of her skin. I quickly swiveled my head, following the voice.
"Save me a spot, I'll be right there!" I yelled back, and hurried up to the lunch counter. Huh, Lady Luck must be watching over me today. I thought when I saw there wasn't a line. I hurriedly went through everything, picking up three pieces of pizza and a carton of yogurt and went to sit down. "Hey, Kelly!"
"Finally, it took you long enough!" Kelly exclaimed, shaking her head mockingly.
"Chill out, it's not like we're gonna die tonight, we've got lots of time!"
"Except that we do still have classes!" Kelly reasoned.
"Whatever, if we keep fighting we won't get to talk at all!" I retorted, shaking my head. "Hey, did you hear about the serial killings in Trenton?"
"What?" Kelly screamed, drawing the attention of three nearby tables. "How did you find that out?"
"Calm down!" I hissed, "You're gonna let the whole cafeteria know! My Mom just called me!" I whispered.
"Oh my gosh! This is so cool!" Kelly yelled, bouncing in her seat.
"No, it's not! It's scary!" I yelled back, just as the bell rang. "Right, we gotta go to class, talk to you after school?"
"Yeah, definitely! Do you need a ride after school?" Kelly asked, slowly walking backwards out the door.
"Yes, please! See you then!" I replied.
"Okay!" Kelly said, while skipping down the hallway.
The rest of the day passes by in an uneventful haze. The bell for the end of the day rings loudly, jolting me into action. I quickly gather up my stuff and start looking for Kelly. After half an hour, I start thinking that Kelly had actually left. Huh, that's strange! I could've sworn that I told her I needed a ride... Oh well, maybe her mom needed her. Hoping my mom wasn't home, I started walking. If mom was home, she'd probably kill me for not finding a ride. Luckily our house is only five blocks from the school. Quickly, I walked home, not able to shake that slight paranoia that continually haunted me since I left the safety of the school. I finally reached my house, and sighed with relief. I quickly bounded up the stairs and started on my homework.
"Honey! Dinner's ready!" Mom yelled up the stairs.
"Okay, Mom. Be right down!" I yelled groggily. I must have fallen asleep! I thought to myself, Well it sure was a good nap! I quickly ran down the stairs, going three at a time.
"I'm sorry to do this to you, Honey, but work just called and they want me for overtime. Are you okay with eating by yourself?" Mom asked apologetically.
"Yeah, sure, Mom, I'll be fine!" I replied, as she walked out the door. I quickly made myself a plate and went to sit down and watch Netflix while I ate. Halfway into an episode of Scorpion, the phone rang. I jumped up to get across the house before I lost the call. As soon as I picked up, I knew something was terribly wrong. Susan, Kelly's mom, was on the other end and was wailing.
"Woah, woah, woah, Susan! What's wrong?" I asked, worried about her news.
"I-it's K-Kelly!" Susan choked out in between heart wrenching sobs.
"What? What's wrong with Kelly? Is she alright?" I asked, worry coating my words.
"S-she's dead!" Susan wailed, a terrible tremor in her voice.
"What! What happened? How did she die?" I screamed, unable to process what had happened to my best friend since play school.
"She left school after I called and asked her to come home, but she never got here. The police just called. She was found in her car with the serial killer's trademark poison in her system."
"How did they know it was for sure him?" I asked, a wobble of fear in my voice.
"Because he always uses the same poison and always administers it through a syringe in the side of the neck." Creak! All of a sudden I heard the floorboards shift. "Dad? Is that you?" I yelled. The only response was a crash in the next room. Suddenly the phone line went dead. "Dad? Seriously, this isn't funny anymore!" I started walking towards the sound. The sight of the next room made my heart stop dead. It was obvious there was an intruder in the house. As I slowly rounded the corner and stepped into the hall, I saw a blur of motion. "Hello?" I whispered, hoping that it was just Kelly, and this was all an elaborate set up. Suddenly I felt a sharp pinch in my neck, and the world faded into black.

Nightmares Do Come True
Teen FictionThis is just a short story I wrote for my LA teacher. Sorry, I can't write a summary of it.