Chapter 9: Sleepover!

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When Rachel woke up in the morning everything felt right. She was on Broadway as Fanny Brice and she had her love of her life next to her. Finn was still sleeping and she didn't want to wake him, so she just loomed at him like he always looked at her.

After 5 minutes Finn woke up. "Hello, beautiful. Do you like the view?" Finn asked while Rachel was looking at him.

"Yes, I do." She answered. "Do you want me to make you breakfast?"

"Not yet. I want to lay with you a little longer."

"Fine by me.", Rachel said laying back down and Finn wrapped his arms back around her.

When Rachel and Finn finally got up to get breakfast, Quinn was in the kitchen.

"Good morning, lovebirds." Quinn said while getting some coffee.

"Good morning, Quinn." Finn said while walking to the fridge to get milk for he could eat some cereal.

"Did you sleep well?" Rachel asked while getting bread to make some toast.

"Fine. How about you guys?" Quinn asked.

"Fine as well. Thanks for asking." Finn answered to Quinn, while making his bowl of cereal.

"Quinn, do you know where Santana and Kurt are?" Rachel asked noticing that they were not in the kitchen.

"Oh, they both went out but they said they would be back soon."

"Oh, okay."

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Finn asked.

"I have an afternoon show, so I'm going to have to leave you guys. But I will be back as soon as the show is over. You guys could hang here or go out there is a spare key on a hook by the door. Okay, I'm going to take a shower and then I have to leave.", Rachel gave Finn a kiss.

"Good luck, Rachel." Finn stated and then Rachel headed to the bathroom.

When Rachel had got home from the show, she found her friends and boyfriend sitting on the couch watching something on TV and laughing.

"Oh. Did I miss all of the fun?" Rachel asked walking the apartment.

"No, you're just on time." Finn said.

"How was the show?" Kurt asked.

"It was good. What are you guys watching?" Rachel asked while heading to the couch to sit next to her boyfriend.

"Oh, we just started HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS.", Quinn answered.

"Oh, I love this movie. Kate Hudson is amazing and so talented." Rachel stated.

"I'm going to go get popcorn." Santana said and headed to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, she came back with a bowl of popcorn and a drink. The group of friends sat watching the movie and enjoying popcorn.

It was 4pm and the group of friends that they would eat an early dinner together, because Quinn had to catch her flight at 6pm and Finn had to catch his at 9pm.

They didn't have much at the house, so Finn volunteered to go out and get some food that they could eat. Kurt volunteered to go with him for he gets all the stuff that had to be collected.

So at the apartment were left the girls.

"Ok, Rachel now that the guys are gone. What is the scoop on your relationship with Finn?" Quinn asked.

"What are you talking about?" Rachel asked.

"You know what she is talking about." Santana said giving me a glance.

"We are fine."

"How is the whole long distance thing?" Quinn asked.

"It is not how I imagined our relationship to be, but I love Finn. Just knowing that even when he is in Lima, he is mine."

"Do you think he would move here, if you asked because you don't like the distance?" Santana now asked.

"I know he doesn't like the distance, but no. He has school and Glee Club."

"But doesn't he love?" Quinn asked.

"Why would you ask that? I know he loves me. He shows how he loves me every time we are together. All of the little things he does." Rachel protested.

"Do you really know?" Santana questioned.

"Yes, Santana. I know." Rachel stated "And I know that he knows that I love him. I know that we are meant to be together. You guys will see when you are at our wedding."

"Okay, I trust you Rachel. Sorry I said such a thing." Quinn said.

"It's Fine." Rachel said.

All of a sudden, the guys walked into the apartment.

"Hey, guys. What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing.", Santana said.

"Okay, we got the stuff. So, let's get cooking." Kurt said with grocery bags in his hands as he headed to the kitchen.

The group all had different roles for the meal. Rachel made vegan lasagna, Finn made salad, Kurt made garlic bread, and Santana and Quinn made dessert. After they all finished what they were making. The friends sat down at the table and enjoyed a fun dinner together.

Sadly it was time for Quinn to leave. Kurt and Santana said that they would take Quinn to the airport, because they want to give the lovebirds so time alone before Finn left.

"Bye, Quinn. I'm going to miss you.", Rachel said hugging Quinn.

"I will miss you. I will try to visit more often.", Quinn said walking to Finn to give him a hug. "Bye, guys."

Kurt, Santana, and Quinn headed out of the apartment to the airport.

Rachel and Finn had two and a half hours until he had to leave, so they wanted to make the most of it. Rachel and Finn headed to Rachel's room, and laid on her bed. They decide that they just wanted to lay in each other's arms and talk. "Finn, do you love me?" Rachel asked Finn sitting up.

"Rachel, of course I do. Why would think otherwise?" Finn said looking at Rachel.

"I don't know."

"Rachel, you had of asked me for a reason."

"It just came up, when the girls and I were talking."

"About what?"

"Quinn asked me how we were doing. I said we were fine except from the distance."

"I know Rachel. I don't like being apart from you either but we are going to have deal for now. Okay. Know let me show you how much I love you. Finn leaned in and kissed Rachel very passionately.

"I love you, Finn." Rachel said leaning into Finn to give him another kiss.

"I love you, too Rachel."

From then their plans changed from talking to a long passionate make out session, that they haven't had in a long time. When lead to other things.

When they were done, Finn and Rachel kissed once more and then wrapped their arms around each other again to hold each other close. They laid on Rachel's bed for a while, until they had to pack Finn's stuff up and had to head for the airport.

Finn and Rachel were at the airport. "Rachel, you're coming home for spring break, right?" Finn asked.

"Yes, I am. For I could be with the person, I love the most." Rachel said while giving Finn a kiss.

"Good. I will start planning what we will do, while your home." Finn leaned down and gave Rachel another kiss.


"Okay, that's my flight. I have to go. Love you, Rachel."

"Love you." They had a quick kiss then Finn headed to plane headed back to Lima.

On the plane ride home, Finn thought about Rachel had said. He thought about how much he loves her and misses her so much every time they are apart. He know what he wanted to do.

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