Last Performance with Snow

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"I don't believe you guys will graduate soon. You are grown up a lot." Namjoon wiped his faked tears inside his eyes and a sobbing sound. Yoongi whined annoyingly, "Aish, your sobbing sound is so ugly. Stop it, Namjoon!" He took a side long glance to him irritated with his weird acting. He then patted Jungkook's shoulder, "Wow, I remember first time I met you and now you are even taller than me. I'm so proud of you, if you want to know." He said, smiling like a proud dad of his son. Jungkook grinned showing his teeth especially his bunny teeth makes him looks so cute and mostly baby-faced with 19 years old age. "I hope you are growing to be mature guy and stop bullying your hyung!" Jimin hit his shoulder hardly in man style. "Let's take a photo, boys!" Jin called them to look at one direction which is directly to his camera ready to capture their moment together. They are standing in a group and smile into a picture that they will keep forever and ever. "Smile~" The camera comes to end of its timing and click! Jin runs off towards his camera to check out how the photo turned to be, followed by the others at his back. "What the, I'm smiling like a squid!" Taehyung screamed out loudly as he looked at the picture. "I look good!" Hoseok praised himself makes the boys to cringe and leave him behind on purpose. "Send us this picture if you are done." Namjoon reminded Jin to give them a copy of it. "Yeah, I will, before Jungkook leaving the town." He said a bit sad about Jungkook's moving. They are always alerted about Jungkook's moving but pretended to forget it in front of Jungkook. So that they won't feel so upset in front of him or he also feeling sad. "We should call Yein to come and join our photoshoot." Taehyung gave an idea and they nodded to it, feel free about her being. "I'll give a call to her, wait." Jimin offered himself and took out his phone from his pocket and dialed her number within seconds. "Hello, Yein ah! Here Jungkook wants to say something to you." He passed the phone to Jungkook immediately. He accepted it into his hand with a surprised look, he doesn't expected of Jimin would let him talk to her instead. 'Geez, this hyung.'


"Hey! What's up?"

"Do you free? Can you come over here to the studio?" He said carefully as he was quite nervous talk to her over a call.

"Sure. What should I wear?"

He looked at his other hyungs confusedly. They couldn't help but get confused as well seeing his confused face. "Something beautiful? Maybe. You are always beautiful so anything would be nice."

"Yeah, you are become greasier than you ever could." She laughs.

He joined her to laugh while rubbing his back neck awkwardly. Luckily, she won't see him in that way. "I think so. See ya soon."

"Great! See ya later." They ended up the call after that. Jungkook passed again Jimin's phone to him. His hyungs burst into big laughter on him.

"I can't hear you saying those words. It was gross."

"See, I got goosebumps. Wow, that's was scary."

"You make me cringe, kid!"

"He has grown a lot."

Jungkook whines in annoyance with their overreaction. They are always being the childish one and teased him every time. "Shut the f..."

"Don't use dirty talk, kid." Yoongi cut him off immediately adding more whining sound from Jungkook. He was so frustrated to have them teasing him no matter how. "Jungkook's reaction has no end. He is the best and we won't stop to disturb you and your forever life." Jimin smirked. He then high five-d with Yoongi for their perfect sync combination of teasing the youngest. They have so much fun to joke with the youngest since Jungkook can't against them with rude words.

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