Chapter 1. The Forgotten Birthday

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Author's note: sorry guy I accidentally deleted this chapter so I've written it again. I was soooo annoyed at myself for doing that. won't be the same because there will be no point in reading the same chapter again but some bits will be the same, but my friend also did spot misspelt words so I now can fix them. Sorry.

June 11 Phil's POV:
"So there are some more reasons why I was a weird kid and why I'm still a wired person to this day, goooooooodbyyyyyyyyye!"
I turned off my camera and stretched. Suddenly I felt that feeling that I've forgotten something, something important. Have I got something to do? Did I forget to say something in my video? It clicked, It's Dan's birthday! I turned around and quickly thought. What do I do I haven't got him a present. How on earth did I forget his birthday! I've had a crush on him for about a year now and I forget one of the most important days of the year for him omg you're so stupid Phil. I know! I should go out now and quickly but him a present and a cake, and just pretend that I intentionally forgot it to surprise him. I ran to my bedroom door so I could run and get to the shops, but standing in my doorway was Dan.
"I see you've finished your video." He said with a crack in his voice, he sounds so sad because I've forgotten his birthday omg how could I forget I feel so bad, but I'm going to make it up to him.
"You're in a rush, where you off to?" Dan said curiosity. What do I say!
"Ummm...we..umm... Need more milk. Yeah more... Milk." Why did I say Milk? Come on brain think.
"But I bought a load yesterday, plus you're lactose intolerant?!."
"No!! Not ordinary milk, I want another not my milk challenge thing.. Umm with you... Maybe?." Why did I say that? I hated that challenge.
"Really? you hated that challenge and ok I will just not today." He's said trying not to look sad, but it is so, obvious that he is so sad.
"Anyway... I kinda.. Need to go... And... Umm."
"Get milk?"
"Yeah... Can you...umm..."
"Move? yeah you can go and get your milk...I here I guess." He moved, and sank his head and looked at the ground. He looked as if he was going to cry. Oh god what have I done to him? I've never seen him this sad before.
I ran to the front door slipped on some shoes grabbed money and ran out to the nearest Londis.
I've bought the Cake which is and awesome Caterpillar cake which I know is Dan's favourite, also some candles and some bunting. But I don't know what to buy for a present. I could get him a new hair brush because he got annoyed when his other one broke. Londis have recently brought out a hair and beauty range, which is convenient. I walked over to that isle when I spotted the perfect hair brush. It had a pink handle but the top half was black I picked it up and it had written on the back, I have a crush on........... This was perfect I could find out who he likes by this as well. That's such a small present  should I get him another present? Yeah I think so. I walked around looking for anything he would like, when I stumbled upon a bag with 10 different sponges in them, it was labelled Sponge You Down. Each sponge had a name and shape/ body this is perfect.
Dan's POV:
This morning I woke up so excited for today. Every year Phil comes up with a different plan for my Birthday, I wonder what it's going to be. Though the entire morning I've seen him yet he didn't say anything, then he went off to film a video. Has he forgotten my birthday? At first I thought he was pretending to forget but I know when he's pretending because it's obvious, I think he's genuinely forgotten.
I want to find out once and for all if he's forgotten. I walked up to his door and heard him finish his video.
"So there are some more reasons why I was a weird kid and why I'm still a wired person to this day, goooooooodbyyyyyyyyye!"
I'm not to sure if I can face him because I feel like I'm going to cry. But I have to, so I stood in his doorway. He looked as if he had to run off somewhere like someone was in hospital and he needed to get there.
"I see you've finished your video." Is that all i could say? I'm supposed to be finding out if he's genuinely forgotten my birthday. But what do I say I can't just say, hi Phil have you forgotten it's my birthday, logic. "You're in a rush, where you off to?"
"Ummm...we..umm... Need more milk. Yeah more... Milk." What? He hates milk and I bought some yesterday?
"But I bought a load yesterday, plus you're lactose intolerant?!." This makes no sense.
"No!! Not ordinary milk, I want another not my milk challenge thing.. Umm with you... Maybe?." In that video he looked adorable, hmm, the challenge looked fun.
"Really? you hated that challenge and ok I will just not today."
"Anyway... I kinda.. Need to go... And... Umm."
"Get milk?"
"Yeah... Can you...umm..."
"Move? yeah you can go and get your milk...I here I guess." I stepped out the way but I felt so many tear well up in my eyes that I had to look at the floor, otherwise I was going to cry right I front of him. Then before I knew it he was out of the house. I walked into my room and fell on my bed and started to cry. As every tear fell down my face the more sad I actually felt. I sat up and picked up my phone and turned it on. 100+ Twitter notifications. All the notifications said, happy birthday Dan. What's Phil done for your birthday? What presents did you get? At least they remembered my birthday. How do I reply to these tweets?Another tear escaped my eye but I slapped it away.
I had a text from PJ. Hey Dan, Happy birthday hope you and Phil are having a great day! Also next time we meet up I've got some exciting news for you. What do I say here? I can't say he's forgotten my birthday to PJ. So I didn't reply. PJ is the only person who knows that I fancy Phil. I breaks my heart to think that my crush has forgotten my birthday He never forgotten before.
I went on to Spotify and decided to listen to some music, I turned on Pity Party by Melanie Martinez because it seemed a sensible time to put it on. I sang my heart out. "It's my Party and I will cry if I want to!" By the end of the song I was back in tears again. My kne true love has forgotten my birthday.
Phil's POV:
I opened the door to our apartment quietly so I could surprise Dan. I can hear him playing music loud in his bedroom, so he might not even here me be in the living room setting it up.
I chucked the bags on the living room table and ran into the kitchen and grabbed a plate to put the cake on and ran back into the living room and set everything up and wrapped the presents.
The living rooms ready now i just need Dan but how will I get him in here without him getting suspicious. I'm going to tell him that I can't get the to to work because I normally can't. I walked up to Dan's door and I could hear him listening to some My Chemical romance now. I tapped on the door twice and waited for a reply.
Dan's POV:
I was listening to a bit of MCR when I heard taps on my door.
"Come in." I said in a very un cheerful tone. I'm really not in the mood.
" umm sorry to disturb you but I can't get the TV to work would you be able to help?" Phil said adorably. Dam he's cute! There is no way I can say no with those adorable puppy eyes.
"Yeah ok, how can't you get it to work this time?"
"I'm not to sure I can't get it to turn on."
"Really Phil it's easy you've used the TV so much."
"It's just not turning on." Phil said whilst pointing to the door. I opened the door and to my surprise the whole place was decorated with banners its amazing. "OMG Phil it's brilliant I thought you'd forgotten!" I turned around and hugged him and he hugged back.
"It's not much but it will do."
"Are you kidding me it's absolutely amazing!" I said looking deeply into his eyes.
"Oh here are your presents I got you, they are only small but I hope you like them." Phil pulled away from the hug and handed me to poorly wrapped presents, well I guess it's the thought that counts. I unwrapped the smallest present to find a hair brush; It had a pink dark handle but the top half was black. " I broke my other hair brush this is amazing thank you Phil."
"Turn it over." Phil said excited. I turned it over and it said I have a crush on ............ Well I'm obvious going to write Phil on it but who was expecting me to write on it. "really Phil?" We both stood there for a few seconds laughing. I unwrapped the second present  and inside was a bag that said sponge you down on it. Oh gosh what could this be?
"It's a bag of 10 sponges with different names and faces I though it was adorable when I saw it. So you just have to have it and I know you have a sponge fetish too. Open it then Dan!" Phil said excited. This is the best birthday ever so far. I opened the packet up, these are awesome. I saw Phil pick up one of the sponges and starts rubbing it on my face.
"I'm sponging you down." Phil said whilst laughing. So I grabbed the bush and run it up Phil.
"Well I get to brush you up." I said laughing at what I said.
"Dan that sounds soooo wrong." We just stared at each other and laughed.
"Oh I forgot about your cake! Blow out the candles and make a wish." Phil said pointing at the caterpillar cake on the table, he knows those are my favourite types of cake. I stood up and walked over to the cake.
"Make a wish Dan!" I wish that I could be with Phil always. I blew out the candles. Let's hope that the wish comes true because I really love Phil.
This turned out to be the best birthday ever!
Sorry if there are any mistakes. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Stay tuned to find out if any more sponging goes down! Please share with your friends!

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