Encounters (1)

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"Please, please, please," She begged with her hands clasped tight in exasperation, "I promise it'll be fun!" She repeated, I let out a sigh take front of my lips and looked at her strongly.
"What's fun about watching other men beat each other up and bleed everywhere from their nose and mouth? It's sick, I don't want to watch other humans acting like animals and fighting like that, I already told you that." I said with an expressionless look.
"But you said you would! Come on, you told me that you would come with me anywhere today, regardless of what it might be. So I say we go to a boxing match," She pointed out and tried to sway me from my previous statement just a couple hours ago, "besides, it's not watching them fight, it's watching them get all sweaty and all rugged." She lightly bit her lip in her own imagination, and I sighed while shaking my head.
"You really want to go?" I asked in defeat and looked back at her, seeing that her eyes were excited and brimming with amusement. She nodded quickly and put her hands together as if she was about to pray.
"Are you saying we can? Will you really come with me?" Her voice was ecstatic and bright. She jumped slightly on the floor and slumped up to stare back at me.
"Well who else is going to make sure you don't get in trouble?" I said with a sarcastic tone and smiled. She let out a shout of victory and stood up to drag me up with her.
"Now, we have to get dressed and make sure we get there early to see some guys practice and get ready. I can just imagine them, they'll be so hot." She fantasized, once again, and dragged me to her closet. I effortlessly walked with her and opened the closet to find stacks of messy clothing just tussle out on our feet, just like the usual.
"Hehe, oops. I forgot to clean up?" She awkwardly giggled and just pushed away the mess with her foot and started to skim through her closet to find some clothes.
"Can't we just wear what we're already wearing? I mean it's just a boxing match, not like we're going to go party." I stated in a feudal attempt, but she ignored me and continued to look through. I sighed and grabbed the hem of my shirt, I mean these were nice clothes. She finally finished with dressing both of us up in some casual, yet slightly revealing clothes.
"Alright, let's go now." She grinned widely, while applying the last bit of mascara onto her lashes and rubbed her lips together to blend the lipstick. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door to meet the cold autumn air. A shiver pricked down my spine and something at the back of my head told me that going to that boxing match would be no good, but if it meant that much to her, then so be it. I'll just be extra careful.
Hannah skipped down the stairs like a little kid and hopped in my car with such joy and excitement. I started the ignition and lightly laughed at her enthusiasm. She clicked in the location of the place, and I began the drive to the place that my friend desperately wanted to go to.
We got there around 7 p.m. which was only thirty minutes before the match starting. On the front it read that someone named Do Kyungsoo against Lee Geon. We walked in, I of course walked in with the most awkward and scared face, but Hannah seemed as if she was at home, so comfortable. Hannah walked in front of me and greeted the shirtless men that stalked around to get some water. The men smirked at her and greeted back while I just stared with wide and frightened eyes, this place was so intimidating and foreign to me. How was Hannah so cozy and nonchalant. The place was made of stone and sort of dark, the only light that shined were from the white fluorescent bulbs shining and the corners of the large room and one in the middle of the box ring. The musky scent of sweat and blood sickened me a bit, but it was manageable. We stood standing in a corner of a room with Hannah staring at the men hit the bags or other people sparring against each other. She was practically drooling from looking at all of their muscles and sweat glistening off their necks and backs that trailed down to their calves.
"I hope the two going against each other are just as built as them, they're so-" she was cut off by me, "sexy?" I finished her sentence and laughed at her a little as she was mesmerized by their muscles.
After a long thirty minutes of standing around like an outcast, the match was ready. I saw the judge of the match in the ring to make sure they didn't kill each other and two hooded men in the opposite corners of each other. I couldn't catch the face of one man but saw the other. His hood was up but the fire in his eyes were undeniable. He had nice features that could strike a girl to fall in love with him. Soon after, the men took off their loose jackets and pushed a mouth guard in their mouth. The man I could see was staring at the other in amusement and disbelief. The man I saw was tall, he looked at least a head taller than the other. I furrowed my brows as he actually laughed and shouted, "this small kid is my opponent?" I scoffed at his loud statement and murmured under my breath a few curses towards him. I wanted the shorter one to win just prove that ignorant, mannerless man. My eyes bore into the back of the shorter one and saw his defined back and muscled legs and arms. I had to admit, I was attracted. The bell rang which sounded the whole room. The men in front of me, who were watching too, were shouting and yelling obnoxiously. The two men in the main floor scuffled around before beginning to swing. I finally got a glimpse at the shorter man, and I swear that I stopped breathing for at least a minute. His face was well defined, he had wide but attentive eyes that watched the taller one meticulously, his nose was high and fit that structured face, and his lips framed his jaw and chin to show a heart shaped beauty. He was absolutely handsome. I was like Hannah at this point, completely mesmerized by him.
The two swung at each other and when the shorter one finally landed a strong hit that echoed throughout the room, all of them men stood up in a uproar and cheered him on. They chanted the name of "Do Kyungsoo" so I assumed his name was Kyungsoo, I think I was going to remember his name and face for a while.
His steps were swift and careful but at every opportunity he stepped in to land a perfect hit. His eyes were going almost everywhere on his adversary as if he was examining him. The taller one was beginning to sway and lose strength as the shorter one continued to beat him. A smirk formed his expressionless face as the taller one fell on the floor unconscious. The men in the audience had cheered and jumped in joy as the judge checked the taller one and walked to Kyungsoo to raise his sweaty right arm to show his victory. I cheered loudly and shouted in happiness, it was weird. I actually enjoyed watching this fight. Beside me, Hannah was also shouting in glee. His eyes scanned the crowd of people and landed on mine to stick with mine for a couple of seconds with a small grin before looking away. A nervous smile broke out onto my lips, and I walked outside for a couple minutes to get a breather from that stuffed room. The cold air embraced my lungs with refreshing air which soothed my body from all the heat. I thought of the smaller boxer and thought about his grin, he looked cute like a child. I shook my head from those thoughts and quickly went back in to retrieve Hannah so we could leave. A crowd of men started to head out the same minute I decided to enter and got shoved around. One of them stepped on my feet which brought a pained expression, but I also pushed against them to go back in.
"Hannah?" I called out loudly as I entered the dark room and looked around the room, but I didn't see her anywhere. I called her name out again and ran out to check if she was already out but to no avail was she there. I jogged back in and continued to shout her name. I stalked in front of a door and opened it to reveal a brightly lit locker room. I walked in in hopes of finding Hannah but instead found nobody here. I started to walk back out of the locker room till I heard a distinct scream then a smack. It was behind the door in the back of the locker room. In panic, I swung it open to find Hannah, and the man who lost the match. Hannah was pushing the man away from her as he continued to try and force himself onto her. I sprinted to grab Hannah's arm in attempt to run and dragged us both into the locker room until a recoil of something grabbing my shoulder made me stop and release the hold of Hannah's grip on my other arm. He turned me around to smack a hit on my cheek. The sting left my eyes to brim with tears and fear. His eyes told a story of rage, he shoved me against the lockers, making me fall forward on my knees from the impact of the force. Hannah shouted my name to run and get out there but everything seemed dazed. I stood up in a weak attempt and dodged a swing from him. I jumped out of his reach and bumped into a sturdy body. I looked and saw it was the shorter fighter from before. His eyes were large from me bumping into him. I apologized quickly and felt him drag my arm gently to put me behind him. The taller one stood in front of him, towering over him.
"Get the fuck out of my way." The taller one said bared teeth.
"Don't you dare touch her," Kyungsoo spit out sourly,"what kind man hits a woman." He finished and pushed me back slightly.
"Now, you can either get the hell out of here or I'll beat your pathetic self here without stopping, making sure that your last breathe on this floor." Kyungsoo said with a threatening tone and glared at the other. The taller man scoffed and walked away, Kyungsoo let out a sigh as the other man left through the back door, slamming the metal door. He turned around with an annoyed expression. Hannah was by my side and was crying. I seemed to have tears running down my cheeks due to disbelief and shock. Kyungsoo's eyes softened a bit from seeing our disheveled and frightened appearances, he noticed my scratched hands and already bruising cheek and shakily brought up a hand but immediately shoved his hand down and returned to his stoic face.
"You should leave." He stated bluntly and walked away right after he said that. I breathed out deeply and walked with Hannah to leave. Hannah pestered me if I was okay, and I simply nodded while asking if she was okay too. We both ended being fine, despite my bruise and scratches, but went home to calm down our frightening experience that lasted today. My nerves were scared to death, and I couldn't stop thinking about the moment that tall man, there I felt like I was going to die.
Sleep didn't come too easy until I over thought those things and thought about the shorter one, Kyungsoo. His eyes told me a story of nostalgia when he looked at me. I was curious, curious behind his head. I also wondered why he helped us out, what good did it do for him to help us. I wanted to know and thank him, but most importantly wanted to see him again.
Thinking about him, I fell asleep that night but still had the unnerving feeling in the back of my head.

(A/N: LONG TIME NO SEE WATTPADDDD. BUT well im starting a new fan fiction thats not as much as trash as my other ones so idk yeah LOLOL HOP E ITS NOT SO CRAPPY SO FAR ♡♡♡)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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