Bam!! My body shook as somebody pushed me into a locker for the
4th time today as I heard laughter fading down the hall. I then picked up my stuff and as quickly
as possible ran to class. I knew if I was late Ms.Gallery would give me detention. So as soon as I got into the class I yelled I "Made it" a chorus of chuckles and laughs filled the room."Nice of you to join us" said Ms. Gallery. I quickly hurried into my seat just as the boy next to me moved over. Whatever, didn't care more space for me.
"Okay class take your seats and begin to work on the assignment," I didn't even bother looking up to see the unlucky soul who would be stuck next to me for the rest of the year. Then out of the corner of my eye I say a boy slide into the desk next to me.
"Hi, my name is Oliver."
"Hi," I said bluntly.
He had light brown hair with brown eyes and nice tan skin. He was pretty cute actually, but I knew not to show it. "What do you want?" I said sharply.
"Hey, calm down I'm just trying to make nice." He gave me a bright smile that would melt any girls' heart but it was too bad mine was already broken.
"Hey you know it's rude not to tell somebody your name after they have told you theirs" he said."Bite me." I muttered.
"Wow someone didn't wake up on the right side of the bed did they?" "Guess I'll just have to wait till Ms.Gallery finishes the roll call. " he said with a smirk.
Crap I thought, I had completely forgotten about that. "Parker Smith" called Ms. Gallery "here" I said. "Parker, I like that name on a girl " said Oliver. I smiled at the sly compliment, something I didn't usually get."She actually smiles it's a success" I finished my worksheet really fast and gave it to the teacher.
"Thank you Parker would you mind helping Oliver with his worksheet?" " No prob" I replied. People began to murmur "he doesn't know what she did" someone said "its all her fault" another voice spoke "he's gone because of her". I tried my best to block out their whispers and focus on helping Oliver with his worksheet, but it wasn't working.
"What are they talking about" he said.
"don't worry about it" I said harshly his face immediately sank making me regret what I said. I just wish this class would hurry up and end then as if the universe could read my mind the bell finally rang. "Bye," he said. I gave him a slight wave and hurried away and crushed into Asher, my arch enemy.
"Watch it witch!" he said Okay, he didn't say witch but you get the idea. Just as he walked by one of his friends (or gorillas as I call them) dumped the remainder of his coke on my head. What a waste of good coke, I heard someone mumble under their breath. I walked to the bathroom before I could cry. I stared at my blond hair and baby blue eyes that matched the blue streaks in my hair. I know you would think because I'm blond I would be popular but you're wrong, bullying can happen to anyone anywhere.
I finally started to get the coca cola out of my hair when a girl I can only describe as super model pretty, walked in. I stared at her through the mirror she was tall with long wavy hair trailing down her back. Her skin was close to the color of an almond but her eyes were amazing. Light green with flecks of hazel and blue. She was the type pf girl that would never be friends with me. "do you need help? " She asked. "I'm fine" I didn't mean to sound so harsh but I wasn't really in the mood for jokes." Are you sure? She said I could hold your head up while you rinse it, Okay?" "Sure, " I said. While I started to rinse my hair and she handed me a paper towel to dry it off. " What's your name? She asked.
"Parker." "Hey, I'm new here and my name is Angel. If you know an better you would never talk to me again. " Why? she asked. "You seem cool" I chuckled at the thought, me cool? that was a funny one. "I'm not exactly what you would call popular, " I said. Well neither am I, so we're going to be friends." she stated. As we walked out of the bathroom I saw a guy only one called hotter than the sun itself came our way. "What do you want?" Angel said. Nothing I'm just trying to see who my lil sis is hanging out with." Ohhh I see, siblings, he had the same golden green eyes but his skin was slightly darker and his hair was dark brown with flecks of blonde. "Um do you highlight your hair" I asked. Yea what's wrong with a dude getting his highlight on" he simply stated "Ok sure I nodded unsure. Well I'll catch you later lil sis and umm I like your perfume Parker.I quickly took a whiff of my self smiling because I smelled strongly of soda." yea, see you later. I got some ladies who want me" said Finn. That's my brother for you a self absorbed player" Angel said "he doesn't seem that bad. "Oh trust me you just don't know him yea" she said with a smirk.

Angel and Her Boys
ActionParker was a regular girl in a regular school. She hasn't been able to wake up from a nightmare that started 2 years ago the night she was almost kidnapped and every day she has to deal with the bullying for something that wasn't her fault until sh...