Sora Drabble - Care taker [♥]

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"[Name]... [Naaammme].." Sora hummed softly while you slept. You growled softly in responce as you slowly but, surely woke up.

"Don't die on your care taker now [Name]." The boy chuckled as he stared at you with his blue orbs. "Die, why woul-" A burning pain in your side caused you to shut up.

You looked down seeing whiteand clean bandages wrapped around your waist. You were pushed back down as soon as you sat up. "You're hurt don't get up." Sora said in a demanding tone.

"You should be more careful against those Dusks." He said with a slight smirk. "Though yours truly saved you! You can thank me later [Name]."

Sora was childish, confident and friendly all at the same time. He was a true hero... in some eyes. "Yeah yeah okay," You said rolling your[colored]eyes. Lifting the covers stared at the bandages. They were so clean and white that they couldn't be the first pai...

"Sora..." You blushed as you glanced at the boy.


"Are these my first pair of bandages... and if not who put them on?"

".... They're you second and no one else was here so I had to do it myself.." He blushed madly. Commence the awkward silence between your two.

"Did you see anything..." You asked, too embarassed by this question.

"Um.. n-no just your waist line." He said as he blushed and turned away. You smirked slightly as you hugged him. "Thank you for being my caretaker.. Maybe I should get hurt more often."

[[Words: 257]]

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