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"What?!" I scream, glaring at Elena. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

She stutters in fear, "I-i, just found out."

I send her a guilty look before stomping off to my car.

I just found out that Caroline, Tyler, and Matt had gotten in an accident. And now Caroline isn't in good shape. Those kids are like my siblings, as I basically took care of them.

I don't want to be mean to Elena.. But I'm pregnant.


"How is she? Is she ok?!" I call frantically, rushing into the hospital. Sheriff Forbes, or as I call her Liz, pulls me into a hug and cries.

I pat her back and soothe her, "Liz, she'll be ok. Caroline is the most stubborn girl I have ever met. This won't bring her down, I can guarantee it."

Liz sends me a smile before sitting down. I let her have some alone time and head to find Elena.

Soon, I catch her with Bonnie and Damon. I roll my eyes, but head towards them anyway.

"Elena! Hey, what's going on?" I ask her, and she sends me a worried look.

"I was just telling them what happened to Uncle John. And then discussing Caroline.. Damon can heal her." My baby sister informs me. I look at Damon to see him already staring at me. He winks and in reply I roll my eyes.

"Ok.." Is my answer with a nod of my head.

Damon looks at Bonnie, "If I do this, you and me, call a truce?"

"No, but you'll do it anyway.. For Elsa." Bonnie retorts, making Elena stare at me in suspicion. I roll my eyes at her before following Bonnie.

Elena's POV

We watch as my big sister and best friend walk away.

Damon turns to me, "I know this is probably the last thing you want to do right now but we should talk about what happened tonight." I look at him with a scared look.

"Yeah, one of the tomb vampires got into the house and almost killed John." I told him. He sends me a confused look.

"What? When? What are you talking about? After I left?" Damon questions, making me confused.

"You were there?"

Damon rolls his eyes and looks at me, "Come on Elena, you know I was."

"When were you at the house Damon?" I ask, confused and a bit scared.

"Really? Earlier, on the porch, we were talking, I exposed my feelings, come on, we kissed Elena!" He exclaims, sighing in frustration.

I step forward mad and confused, "Okay, I don't have time for this Damon."

"If you want to forget what happened, then fine. But it was a mistake. I love your sister.." The vampire tells me, before walking away. I am pulled from my thoughts when my Aunt Jenna walks up to me.

"Elena, there you are.."

Regular POV

I just pulled up to the house, when I see Damon at the front door. Sighing, I step out of the car and slowly walk up the steps.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, watching as he closes the door behind him.

"I was just leaving, turns out Katherine has been pretending to be your sister. So be careful." He informs me.

I send him a small smile, "Will do, see you later Damon."

"Elsa, wait." He calls, making me sigh and face him. "Look, I know that I have lied to you and hurt you but please, forgive me."

I sigh, "Damon.. I love you. But I don't think it would be best for us to be together right now. I'm still legally married and I'm pregnant with another mans baby. It's better if we take this slow."

He sends me a sorrowful look but nods and walks away. Tears fill my eyes as I step into the house. The stress and pain was taking it's toll on me. Elena sees me and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so tired Elena..." I cry, holding on to my little sister. She pats my back and soothes me.

She pulls away and looks at me, "I'm sorry that you have to go through so much. But you have been my role model my whole life. You're not alone Elsa. You never were.."

"She's right. You're not alone." Jeremy tells me, before joining the hug.

"I love you guys."

Author's Note

Hi everyone! I finally updated!! Yayy! Thank you so much for your patience. It is really appreciated. Anyway, please don't forget to comment what you think. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Soo, who is ready for Elsa and Mason to see each other again?

Lots of mysteries and cliffhangers are headed your way so stay tuned to find out more! xx

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