Persephone was special. She was a witch but didn't remember being one. Due to problems in the past, the spirits saved her from a disaster waiting to happen. Persy's memories were erased so she couldn't be tracked down to where she was sent. The spirits placed their faith and hope in this girl to save them. They would do anything to help Persy along her way to defeating the tyrant Heolstyr. Heolstyr wanted to rule all of Earth. That even meant exposing that witches and other creatures existed. Nobody liked the idea of being discovered. They were afraid of the unknown.
There was a prophecy about her. One of four with six that assist will surley destroy the tyrant. When trouble comes she will be gone for what seems like lost forever. A century war comes but ends as she is found. More prophecies were made after this, but this is the one that made Heolstyr scared, He wanted to find the girl the prophecy spoke of and kill her. For he knew that it was his life the girl would end.
Persy's life changed when she turned 18. It was then that she would remember everything. She would actually, for the first time, know why she felt so special. She was what everyone hoped for: a Hero.