Mags leads Garcia out of my room, which I am very thankful for. I've had enough of the Capitol for a day. Slowly, Mags closes the door and goes to my nightstand. She picks up the remote and changes it to the sea again. Then she sits down beside me and simply pulls me into a motherly hug. I cry for hours, well-past dinner.
I cry remembering Cora's responsible nature. She always works her hardest, no matter what. And no one ever thanks her. Ever.
I remember Arnav's little dimples when he smiles and his compassion and kindness. A little boy who does what he's told and doesn't lie.
For some reason Finnick comes to mind. I see him smiling with his natural smile which shows his hidden dimples and his sea green eyes when he told me how he'd like to meet me.
It all feels like it happened a long time ago, but it only just did.
I wake up alone, not realizing how I'd fallen asleep. There is a familiar knock on the door that signals it is time for breakfast and I walk out and push past Garcia. I have forgiven her by now, after all, she's a Capitol citizen and she can't help it.
I walk to the dining room, where plates full of exquisite food are placed. I hear my stomach grumble and I realize how hungry I am. I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday.
"So, as you all know, today is the Tribute Parade. Your prep team has already arrived so I recommend you eat fast." Garcia says.
"Where is Finnick?" I ask, confused. Finnick is my mentor; he is supposed to be there with me, always. Mags shakes her head and answers:
"Finnick will meet you in the parade, I'm afraid."
"Yes, he had something to attend to." The way Garcia said the word 'something' chilled me to the bone. Mags winces. I know that this has something to do with his 'clients'.
The door opens and three peculiar people come in. Peculiar in the sense that one of them has hot pink skin with a pattern of red flames that actually glows and orange hair. Another has cat whiskers and claws and their skin is orange with black stripes. The third has green skin and has flowers sprouting from his yellow clothes.
"Who should we do first?" The hot-pink woman asks.
"The girl, I think. She's going to need some work." The cat-woman says. The man with the flowers nods his head and takes my arm, leading me to another room.
"I'm Florio, this is Beatrice and Rosalie. Your stylist, Louis, will come by later to get on your outfit for tonight." He smiles and I can see that he had surgery to make him more handsome.
In the room, the members of my prep team open us heavy-looking bags that they had been carrying. Inside, I can see every type of makeup and hair product in existence.
"Sit, dear. What's your name?" Rosalie asks, pulling out a chair, her red flames somehow glowing more brightly.
"I'm Annie Cresta." I answer. Florio frowns.
"My, my, those freckles are going to need a lot of work. Avoid the Sun, dear, if you can help it." I want to tell him that I can't avoid the Sun, but Beatrice stops me.
"You need to take a bath, Annie. We're going to have to wash all that horrid salt from your hair. Take off your clothes, please." I blush a deep red. Somehow, I hadn't thought that they'd need to take off my clothes. In District 4, nudity is not a big deal, many people go naked to the beach. It's different here, though. This is the Capitol and these are not my wonderful childhood companions, they're strangers. Nevertheless, I had to. I slowly take off my dress, leaving me exposed to their curious gazes.

Waves Breaking Over Rocks Part 1
FanfictionFinnick and Annie should get their own book!! This is the story of the first half on Annie's life (I'm in the progress of writing the second) What's it like to live the worst life imaginable with the best person imaginable? You'll find out here. Ple...