My Sweetest Sin

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For years I've tried to find the words to describe this girl, but the words just never strung together well enough. Not from lack of education if that's what you think, more like the lack of a better word than "perfect".

And I figured if I couldn't describe her in one word, I'll describe her in many.
She had earth colored eyes and hair the color of bark that perfectly framed her face. I say bark because bark is on the tree right? And the tree holds up the leaves and branches? Well that's what she did, she held me up and promised never to let me fall.

We were an odd pair if I'm honest, she was a flower from a different tree. Adopted at six because her mother couldn't keep her. I was a leaf ripped from the branch of happiness and blown into the woods of constant insanity and loneliness.
One day the wind blew us together, it was a perfect match. She was my drug, she gave me what I needed; what I craved. Affection, attention, love, happiness...She was toxic but I loved it, there's no better way to describe it, I was addicted.

Our addiction to each other was deadly it was as if we couldn't live without the other, instead of oxygen we were breathing in each other, instead of water we were drinking the lies.
Like all addictions it ended badly. As quickly as the wind blew us together, it blew us away. We were a perfect match, maybe that's why we burned out so quickly...

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