Chapter 5

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Levy grunted then put her shirt back on. She was hoping if she could find her green powder she could get him on her side. Sadly, it seemed she used all of it. "Y-you are a demon!" Gajeel pointed at her. She growled and grabbed his collar. "Your never leaving! Your staying here!" She hissed. Gajeel rose an eyebrow and kneed her in the gut. She fell back and held her gut. "Lily, lets get out of here!" He ran and grabbed Lily but tripped due to a leg. "Dammit, your so small!" He held Lily in his arms. "I told ya, your not leaving!" She riased a fist and punched him out cold. "O-ok to get him on my side..." She picked his face up and blushed like crazy and pressed her lips with his.

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