The Bus - Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction

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Chapter One:

Holding hands while walking down the London streets must be an amazing feeling. I wouldn't know as I don't have a significant other to share this with and I don't live in England, not even close. My thoughts were running through my head as if they had just taken an energy drink. I was just going back home after a long day at university, travelling through Sydney city on a bus full of strangers. It was just a common day in my ordinary life.

Yeah, just a common day… Oh no. I fall sleep with my mouth open like a polar bear floor rug, again! Great. Suddenly I felt something hit me on the face. It felt like a soccer ball, considering I was suddenly holding one in my arms.  When I turned to my left to see who had thrown it at me, I felt as if my heart had skipped a bit. I met what I considered the most beautiful eyes that a human being can have.

“I'm so sorry. Are you okay?” he said in a really amazing English accent, looking straight through my soul.

Yes, I know. I bit overdramatic. I had just woken up so there you have my excuse.

“With my luck, it couldn't have been a soft pillow, it just has to be a soccer ball.” I replied without even realizing he was talking in an English accent as if it was really normal when actually it wasn't because in Australia, they speak in a different accent.

“I'm sorry, me and the lads were just throwing the football around.”. He said showing me four other guys with amazing hair sitting and waving.

“Oh, great. So, you can hit me again but try not to aim it to my nose. It hurts and surgery is quite expensive" I continued joking.

“You are definitely hilarious” he said while laughing and showing his perfect teeth. “I'm Louis. What's your name?”

“I'm Emma. Nice to meet you, Louis. So, I'm guessing that you're not from here”.

“No, I've recently moved from Doncaster, South Yorkshire in England” He put the ball in his bag.

“Oh, that's awesome. I mean, that you are from England. I've always wanted to go there”.

“Yes, it is indeed! Sometimes I get a bit homesick."  He said with a sad look in his eyes. “Don't get me wrong love, Sydney's amazing. I came here with my mum and my five little sisters but I left my friends back home." 

“No, I understand. It must be difficult. I mean, I don't know what I would do without my friends” I tried to give him a sympathetic smile but I'm not sure if I accomplished that. I can be such a freak sometimes. Okay, most of the time.

“So, tell me about yourself," he said, changing the subject.

“Mmm there's not much to say. I'm at university studying law and sometimes I write for a magazine about music. It's not paid but it's a really good experience. I get to go to different concerts or events and take tons of pictures, I love music.  And writing has always been a passion of mine.  And that's about it. I'm just an ordinary girl."

“I would never describe you as ordinary. You're definitely not like other girls”. 

I couldn't hide the grin on my face as I looked into his eyes. God. Those eyes, were just undescribable, and so beautiful.  And then I realized that I was awkwardly staring at him.

“Okay. So, how would you describe me?" I dared to ask.

“Mmm I could not make an accurate description as I have no sufficient arguments to support the answer which you are looking for."  He said chuckling.

“Oh, watch out! We have a smart ass over here” I could not help but laugh. Neither could he.

“But," he quickly added "I would like to get to know you better."

He took me by surprise and I looked up. His cheeks were a little red and he bit his lip with a shy smile. His eyes were also smiling. Yes, his eyes were capable of many things. For example, they could leave me speechless or make me blush.

“Sure."  I said. I was so lost in his eyes that nothing but that came out of my mouth.

“Okay, Emma. This is where I get off”. He pulled me back from my daydream. “Oh, wait! Give me your phone”.

I obeyed without hesitation. He started typing and then said, "Alright babe, text me anytime”. He winked as he gave me my phone back. While he was getting off the bus I thought to meself, “He called me babe ... IM GONNA DIE HAPPY!", and when I realized that he was leaving, i quickly managed to get out, "Alright, take care!"

Take care?  Really?  I meet this perfect boy who makes heaven sound like a joke, and above all things, I decide to say, 'Take Care'?  I need to work on my flirting skills.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2013 ⏰

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