6 p.m.

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Sage's point of view.

I looked at the clock in the car 5:45. Two hours, Dakota and I have been cramped in this tiny ford focus for two hours.

"I don't understand why we have to go all the way out here to have a party." Dakota mumbled, clicking on her right turn signal.

"I guess Jamie's family just bought this cabin, probably just excited about getting the group back together." I answered in a shrug, flipping through the CD's Dakota had in her car.

"Yeah you're probably right, I just can't wait to get back to the city after this. I have had enough of rural towns."

The seven of us all went to the same school, we are a secluded town. Surrounded by woods, there were only forty kids in our graduating glass. Most of us went out of the area to go to college. Except me and PJ, we decided to go to the local community college. Which is still an hour away from home. Dakota goes to school in the city, she wants to be a fashion designer. Let's just say she really fits the part. PJ and I are both in the Physical Therapist Assistant program. I plan on going further and becoming a Physical Therapist, PJ doesn't.

One more right turn and we were headed up a dirt road with private property signs in front.

"Dakota, are we going the right way?" I asked pulling my feet off of the dashboard and sitting up straight.

"I think so, I printed off the directions but I lost cell signal back at that lake we passed."

"Not surprising, none of us have service where we live, why would there be any up here? I have no idea why I even pay for my phone card during the summer when I never get to use it."

"Yeah, it's so annoying. Oh my god, is that it?" Dakota parked the car and we both got out. We saw Chris and PJ standing on the stone steps of this massive house. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and went to meet up with them.

"So this is the cabin?" I asked in amazement. It didn't look anything like I thought it would. I was picturing a small one bedroom and kitchen cabin. This was huge, from what I could see there were two porches, and the one in the back turned into a dock and had an awesome view of a man made pond. This cabin was like one you would see on the cover of inspirational books and do it yourself magazines.

"Haha it's nice right? Jamie told me that his family bought it off of this out of state couple, they put so much time and money into it, but I guess they just never had any time to come up and visit." Chris said wrapping me into a hug. Then he walked over to Dakota and gave her a hug too. "It's nice to see you guys again."

Chris was the jock in our group, he had a sport for every season. Soccer in the fall, wrestling in the winter, baseball in the spring, lacrosse in the summer. You name any sport in the world and Chris has probably played in at one point. Yes even dance, although that wasn't his choice. It was his moms last attempt at having a child that was slightly feminine. Chris was the last kid, out of four boys. Chris is going to school to be a PE teacher, but he also coaches a little league football team.

"You too Chris." I said. Dakota and Chris started to catch up with each other so I walked over next to PJ. I took my bag off and sat down on the step next to him. "Long time huh Peej?" I said laughing.

"Oh it's been ages girl, you look so old now!" I punched him lightly on the arm and he wrapped me in a hug. "You ready to go back to class next week?"

"I think so, I'm nervous about Kinesiology though. Do you think it's going to be hard?" I asked him.

"For you? No, but for people who aren't tiny Einstein's, like me, yes."

"Hey guys, Ashley's here!" Dakota yelled up to us. Ashley was drove here by her mother, which wasn't unusual. The school Ashley goes to doesn't allow the students to have a car on campus, no matter what grade level they are. So there was really no point in her getting her own car. Ashley is going to music school, full ride on a scholarship for playing flute.

I walked over to the right side of the car where her mom was. "Hey Mrs. H."

"Sage, honey it is so nice to see you! How is school going?"

"It's going really well."

"Oh that's so good, anyways you kids have fun!" She called back to us as Ashley got out of the car.

"Where is Jamie?" Ashley asked.

"No idea, he wasn't here when we got here." Chris said.

"That's weird." I said looking down at my watch. "It's almost seven."

We all turned around when we heard the crunching of the gravel driveway.

"Hey look who brought you losers food." Jamie said stepping out of his truck with two boxes of pizza and wings.

"Aw that god man I was starving." Chris said walking up and lifting the cover off and grabbing out a piece."

"Hey, wait til I gets inside vulture." He said spinning around once he heard another vehicle. "Karla, late as usual." Karla stuck her tongue out and walked into the house with the rest of us.

Jamie was the whole reason we were all still close. At the end of every summer he had some idea to get us all together and reconnect with each other. If you couldn't tell Jamie's family is loaded. Which is why he is going to the best school out of all of us. Jamie doesn't know what he wants to do, but he wants it to be something with wildlife. Karla is going for cosmetology, she was always the one to do our hair and makeup before homecoming and prom. Not much has changed, I still go to her if I can to get my hair done.

6 p.mWhere stories live. Discover now