What am i going to do?

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I'm giveing my first chapter to the someone who is important to me as she was the first fan fic that I read, which made me want to write this silent_demon0103

Hello everyone please put your own name into the ___________.

I hope you  enjoy please tell me what you think good or bad in the comments, I would love to hear what you think and if you like hit the star . Please read to the end of the second chapter it gets better Thank you

It was a beautiful summers day on the 14th of June in Seoul. _________ is a student studying her first year of collage, working hard on her art and Graffiti design portfolio for collage. ________ is sitting in a hot stuffy classroom gazing out from the red wooden window frames beside her that is looking onto a tall strong  glowing Apple tree, with two birds that are sitting on a branch chirping to each other that sounds more like singing   . __________  thinks to herself  " They must be in love" feeling a loneliness in the pit of her stomach,   "I wish I had that" . Turning her head to the front of the classroom  stood her teacher Mr  jang, a old male teacher with a scruffy grey  beard that always stood hunched over holding his black walking stick with extreme grip. Mr Jang was explaining the new assignment
" well class I want to see great work this time , better than anything I have seen from you before" with his mumbling voice carrying down into the back of the classroom. " I want you to make me  a portfolio of art that you find inspiring of a respected artist so you can use him or her to stimulate you to make wonderful pieces of art"

________ is daydreaming to herself thinking of the most beautiful and sexy taeyang, how he looks when he is shirtless with his rock hard abs ,how it would feel to have his strong manly arms tight around her body while his minty fresh hot breath is breathing down her neck . He's holding her tighter and her heart is beating faster while her face is getting blush from the touch of his body against hers, his fingers is tucking into her skirt his moist red lips is moving closer to hers........... The school bell rings class is over, _______ jumps in shock. she looks at her old cracked pale blue watch it's 3.00pm
"I have to hurry  now I can't be late " she thinks to herself. Grabbing her books that gets shoved into her bag while running out of class.

It's 3.10pm outside at the bus stop, a dark cloud is hovering over the campus as if it was a bad omen. _________ is starting to panic she is thinking that she will not make it down into town on time. As soon as she thinks of that the heavens open and Heavy rain fall is pouring down onto her body drenching her. The clothes have became completely soaked with the rain, her black mascara is running down her perfect porcelain cheeks . _________ feels like nothing is going right for her as everything normally doesn't. she is about to burst out with tears but then her bus pulls in . She gets on the bus that leaves her outside of Yg entertainment building .

Looking up at the amazingly scary beautiful Building that is named Yg ,she gulps in fear." I hope that they like me" she thinks to herself with a wave of emotion coming over her . As she is walking through to the waiting area on the 5th floor she hears voices coming from a room with a sign saying Big Bang on the door "Big Bang who's that " shoving that thought aside _________sits down and waits for her name to be called, thinking that she heard that name from somewhere before and with the excitement she remembers that taeyang is in Big Bang, but she never listened to Big Bang before, her palms are sweaty her nerves are making her hands tremble with fear. "__________ could you come this way please " a staff member says, she walks into the room with her legs buckling with nerves, she looks a mess and smells like a wet dog in a zoo but she only have the time to take her black mascara off her face and tie her long messy black hair into a pony tail. "Hello everybody my name is _________ and I am going to sing for you today" the Yg manager is sitting on a black leather chair and asks "what are you going to sing for us?" she replies very softly " eyes nose lips by taeyang ". _______is the most nervous she has ever felt in her life she looks up at the three people sitting behind the glass table starring at her, that feels like they are looking through into her soul. Lifting the microphone she takes a deep breath and begins to sing with the most angel like voice any one has ever heard in there lives. The three men smile, it was the most beautiful thing they have heard. The first man was sitting with smug look on his face and tells her" the next time you ever have an auction you should come looking a bit cleaner" the Yg manager and the seconded man laughs. _______ looks at the first man with a smile thinking to herself " I'll show you I'll pull that pink earring out of your ear". "thank you for coming" the Yg manager says

One week later

Beep beep beep beep beep, top hits his alarm off as he starts rubbing his eyes with his soft hands and gets out of bed , he undresses and takes a shower , drys himself and puts on his bathrobe to go downstairs. He grabs a pre make breakfast with a glass of fresh orange juice. His phone rings " choi seung Hyung hello, you told me the next time Mr x came to the gallery to showcase his work to phone you" top is feeling excited " thank you I will be down in 2 hours " . with one gulp he swallowed the rest of his juice and makes his way upstairs. He is looking through his cloths and he dresses himself in a white long sleeve shirt with a red suit jacket, that is crisp tight to his body and red suit bottoms with his new leather shoes . One hour later he arrives at the art exhibition. Mr x is there, he is feeling overwhelmed that he is meeting his favourite artist in the whole world. He looks at his Gucci watch it's 11.05 am . Mr x ask him " what do you think of this piece of art?" Top replies kindly " it's perfect the way them lines catch the light and also catch my eye, it is your best work by far.......I think i want to buy it " Mr x say "thank you I'm glad you are pleased " they lift a glass of champagne from the table of glasses filled and stacked 15 rows high that were behind them.

Ring ring ring ________ answers her phone it's her mother " are you up?, its 10.30am, don't you need to get them photos from that art exhibition today?" " I do mum I'm up I'll talk to you later " she hangs up the phone and jumps straight out of bed, grabbing a white tank top , jeans and a grey hoodie with her sneakers. 30 minutes later she is at the art exhibition and is taking photos of the paintings. She is starring at a painting that has a multilayer of colour that is abstract art. she is blown away, she lifts her camera and takes a photo , something is wrong the camera won't focus for her she takes a step back. It still won't focus, she take one more step.

She bumps into a man who is toasting to a painting with a glass of champagne who is with Mr x ,  he falls onto the table with the champaign flying everywhere. It shoots across onto the painting that he was buying from Mr x, it has drenched Mr x from from head to foot . It has also soaked him (top) from head to toe . His hair is flat and the champagne is dripping from his forehead . The Gucci watch is cracked his painting is now destroyed . __________ try's to help top up,  by bending down and reaching out her hand , top push her away extremely hard " with a devilish evil look. "sorry , sorry sorry I'm so sorry " _______is begging for forgiveness. " your sorry! your sorry!!!! sorry isn't going to fix this work of art on the wall, sorry isn't going to protect me pride!!!! ,sorry isn' good enough!!!!!! " shouting angrily with his deep stern voice

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