Its going to be a long night, just me And you.

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Top grabs her wrist while his eyes light up as if they were filled with pain and loss for something that he wasn't sure what that was, as he sat there together he gazed at her with his dark brown eyes almost as if he was staring into her soul while twisting her wrist away from his face ,A pain shoots up her arm " let go, stop" ________ says . " listen to Me I'm only going to say this once and once only little girl" top says while he forces his eyebrows down to above his eyes " if you dare to even think about touching me again you will be sorry" while first pulling her down to his eye level Saying " I mean it you will be.... truly sorry.....understand?" He says sharply then he pushed her down to the floor while letting go of her wrist " __________ gets pushed down to the wall beside top, she looks at his face in fear near trembling at the sight of him, while holding her wrist. Top digs into the inside top left pocked in his suit jacked " were is it?" Top gasps while changing hands to shuffle into his deep trouser pockets " aishhhh that man , how dare he speak to me like that , what is he doing" ___________ is pondering to herself. " a ha ......I got it finally " top says while pulling out his phone " damn!!!should of put it on charge it's only 22 percent" top moans to himself. Top is starring down into his phone with a smile on his face, he then lifts the phone above his head and looked directly into the lense . " you have a phone, seriously why don't you ring someone to get us out of here" _________ snaps at top. " well darling if you could use your brain for a quick minute and think about it" he says sarcastically to her with his smart mouth. " and what do you mean by that?" She says to top with him replying  " I know you aren't a smart cookie baby, don't worry I'll help you , I can't ring anyone because nobody can know we are here , there would be a rummer and we can't have an other scandal , the only people we can tell are the four edits who locked us in here" top says with a calm voice for the first time tonight. "Oh I see" _________ feels like a fool and gets embarrassed with the thought of her asking that stupid question.

Top then looks back down onto his phone. " what is he doing?" She Thinks in her mind . Top keeps smirking down onto his phone typing away he is in so much concentration he doesn't even see her staring at him in wonder. She starts feeling emotional and her eyes start to have a thin line of tears on her waterline. __________ closes her eyes in fear of top seeing her cry , that would make her look weak to him. " I can't cry he will see, I need to think of something that Makes me happy, but what?" She shuts her eyes tight trying to not think that she is trapped in a small ice cold closet with top. " what would make me happy" she keeps saying in her mine over and over again. Top slowly disappears from her mind and GD appears in it. Him naked on top on her " what was he going to do with me if ️taeyang didn't knock on the door" .The flutters between her legs come back as she bites her lip. " it was feeling so good, I wish it didn't stop that thing he was doing with that thing down there, I felt so excelatrated when he tied me up, the thought of his touch makes me quiver" __________ thinks in a dream like form in her personal thoughts. " what are you smiling about " top says giggling ________ opens her eyes and top is looking at her with that evil smirk as if he is up to something. " what we're you thinking about ,I was nearly taking a photo of you but your lucky, my phone died" top giggles to her " n n nothing " she replies with embarrassment in her voice.

" I'm sure it was nothing , ha you looked like you were in lust" top sniggers at her. " Whhaat!!! , no I wasn't I was just imaging being away from you" she screams " don't lie to me, you were thinking of me fucking you weren't you, while you are being my wife " he says with a smile. " No I wasn't" she says as she is getting frustrated " yes you were" he chuckles " no I didn't" she screams " you were" he says with amusement " no I wasn't thinking of you I was thinking of ......... " she stops herself before she finished her sentence." Oh you were thinking of a dirty we fantasy about someone" he says louder with joy in his voice. " stop, just stop please" she screams as loud as she could over to top. Top looks at her anger with embarrassment under it in her face, he feels a tinge of badness for teasing her, so he doesn't reply. She starts to think on how to change the subject before he asked again, for were she would say something stupid to him again. " am , am , well what are me and you going to do about there plan" she quickly says back to him. " I don't know I don't really want to do it but I'm not getting kicked out of Yg " he replies trying to be nice

" I don't want to either, I would end up killing you " she tells top, top laughs at the idea of her telling him that , top chuckles back at her saying " oh your feisty one aren't you" she laughs with him and they both smile at each other " well I don't what GD to be mad at me he can be scary" she explains " you think Gd is scary but not me" he replies smiling at her. " yeah, he is the leader remember , so what do you think, should we get married and push everything in the past" she asked while her heart races because she is afraid of him telling her no. " alright I suppose we are going to have to, but we need some rules between us two" his deep serious sexy voice carries to her ears. " what type of rules?" _________ asked with confusion. " I'm glad you asked, rule number one just because you will be my wife to the camera we won't be anything to one and other back in the villa" ________ nods her head. "Rule two, don't ever ask me about my personal life and I won't ask you about yours, I'm a private person and we aren't friends this is more like a bussines deal, okay?" __________ nods her head once more " I understand" " rule number three don't ever go into my room , and rule number four , you don't own anything belonging to me we will get a contract for that, so you don't get any money of me before we get a divorce" ____________ eyes widen " why would he think I want his money I didn't even want to get married to him" them words pass in her mind while she tells him " that's fine same to you" top reaches out his hand and asks her "deal?" _________ reaches out her hand and shakes it " its a deal" while her voice was trembling with the cold air.

Top notices her hand shaking " are you cold ?" __________ turns her head away from his direction " no I'm fine". while top is still holding her hand he pulls her over to him " don't lie to me , a Big Bang member can't get sick we have a challenging job to do so or body needs to stay healthy so he then takes of his suit jacked and pulls her in close with his arm around her so she would be tight beside him, he lays the jacked over the top of both of them to stay warm. " you should rest, go to sleep on me , now don't flatter yourself I'm just thinking of the well being of Big Bang" he says with a nervous tone in his beautiful cheerful voice, a tone that ____________ hasn't heard of before. With that thought in her head her eye lids get heaver and then she and top fall asleep.

A bunch of keys hit the door below the handle and the door handle opens. GD is standing there looking at them " I see you's two made up" they both open there eyes while __________ pushes off of top. Top clears his throat " it was really cold don't think to much into it " GD keeps looking at them he gets a Werid sensation of wondering was it a good Idea to lock them in there all night. " maybe they done Something last night" he thinks to himself . __________ looks down at her watch as she stands up, 7:45 it says on it. taeyang walks into teddys office , "teddys looking you's down stairs for the press conference at 8:00am". ___________ starts getting butterfly's in her stomach with the nerves , the thought of standing in front of the building In front of the press is taunting for her.

They walk downstairs to the lobby were the rest of Big Bang were standing waiting for them . " teddy is on his way " a staff member says to them " I have a question but it sounds stupid" _________ says to top . GD interrupts and asked her what it could be " why do you call yang geun suk teddy for " Gd smiles "it's because he acts like a little girl when he fights with his girlfriend, so he is like a teddy bear" _________ laughed at the thought as teddy arrives " so I am guessing that you's have made up and agree with the plan" they both nod there head. teddy then says "okay let's get the show on the road, I will, explain everything to the press you's just stand there and smile for the camera, just make sure yous look like your a happy couple so they will believe you" top reaches for _______ hand and grips on tight while teddy leads them all outside to the press. Gd looks down at there hands joint and again feels a strange feeling in his head , a Werid new emotion that he hasn't felt before .

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