Chapter 1

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I ran through to forest, my pack following closely behind me. I slid to a stop and, Blake, my Beta ran into me causing her to fall over.
"Whoa there bro" she exclaimed picking herself off the ground brushing herself off. I pulled a leaf out of her black hair.
My pack circled around us. Now let me introduce them. Jacqueline, the silent stalker. Blake, the second in command and the eyes of the pack. Lesley, the fast one. Marnie, the tracker and me, Kaelee, the Alpha. Jacqueline could sneak up and follow anyone without them noticing, Blake can see anything, the dark is her specialty, Lesley can run so fat I think she's like a were-cheetah... I don't think that's a thing.... And Marnie her sense of smell is crazy good, she's one of the best trackers I know.
Currently we are running away from a necromancer. For those of you who don't know what a necromancer is, It's a supernatural thingymabob (persons) that can talk to ghosts and raise the dead. Sam is the necromancer's name. Heather Davidson, that's who sent her. Heather has been trying to kill us werewolves for 2 years now, luckily I have done a good enough job of protecting them and we have only lost 4. She has killed all the other packs in Squamish, we are the only ones left. There used to be around 20 packs of 7-10 in each but now there is only 5 of us left.
I heard the snapping of a branch, signalling that Sam and her army of dead things were close.
"Run and hide" I ordered my pack.
Blake started sneaking away before I finished my sentence.
"Not you Blake." Her eyes widened in a 'damn Ive been caught' kind I look. She turned around facing me. She crossed her arms and have me a pouty face.
"No" she said in a baby voice then she ran.
I easily caught up and grabbed her upper arm dragging her back to the clearing we were just in.
"Okay just because your stronger... Oh shit" Blake said as I dropped my arm to my side. Sam and her army of Dead things circled around us.
"Ready for a fight" I smiled changing into a wolf.
"Nope" Blake whimpered. I have her my death glare "I mean, Hell Ya?" She questioned herself before she hesitantly turned into a wolf. We looked at each other and nodded before attacking the dead rabbit. I was in the middle of fighting a half rotten hawk when I noticed Blake on the back of Sam. I shook off the hawk and ran at the necromancer knocking her off her feet. I took a swipe at her throat and instantly killed her. The Dead animals that went on to attacking Blake dropped to the ground their souls leaving the decomposing bodies. Blake and I howled at the the same time signalling the pack to meet is at the hideout. The hideout was a huge mansion AKA: my house or... my parents house. We were all only 16 or 17. Jacqueline, Marnie and Lesley were all 17. And Blake and I were 16 well almost 17. We were all born werewolves. I was born an p
alpha it was apparently as rare as rare gets like it only happens once every 4 thousand years.
None of our parents know about us being werewolves.
"Kaelee!" My mother yelled from downstairs. We all cringed because with our super hearing it was like she was yelling right beside us.
"Turn off the wolfyness" I told the girls.
"Done" they smiled
"Yes!" I yelled back at my mother.
"Someone's at the door for you!" She yelled back.
"Ugh" I picked myself off I the floor and motioned the girls to follow.
Blake groaned "Jacqueline, help me up"
Jacqueline grabbed her forearm and yanked her up a but to strongly ending Blake flying into my wall
"Oops guess I don't know my own strength" Jacqueline smirked
"Ow.... That's the second time this week" Blake rubbed her head
"Maybe, if you were smart you would stop asking me to help you up" Jacqueline then walked out my bedroom door. I bounded down the steps two at a time.
"I'm leaving for work. The person is in the living room" my mother said slamming the door as she left.
"Well...." Marnie said
We began the trek to the living room. The tall dark mahogany double doors were closed.
'Hmmm that's weird their never closed' I thought putting my arm out to stop them. I put my finger to my lips telling them to be quiet. I sniffed the air and looked to Marnie
'Vampire?' I mouthed.
Marnie nodded.
I pointed at Lesley Jacqueline and Marnie
"Change" I whispered and the did. "Wait here. I'll click if I need you guys to come in. Blake, your with me" the wolves walked into the hallways beside the doors and hid. I pushed open the tall door and walked in Blake following.
"Hello" I said the the vampire who was examining her long dark red nails sitting on the couch with one leg over the other.
"Well finally" she stood her heels clinking on the hardwood floors and she walked towards Blake and I.
"I'm Miranda. And I'm here to kill!!!!"Then she attacked.

"Geesh how are we gonna clean all the blood up before you mom gets home" Lesley said now in human form.
"Let's call the cleaners" Marnie said pulling out her phone and dialling the cleaners number.
"Ya.. We need a clean up on isle 4...." Marnie started before I couldn't hear her.
"Why would she attack us in your own home. How did she even know where you live!" Blake exclaimed freaking out.
"Blakeo calm down. Now help me hide the body"
We grabbed Miranda's bloody body and moved it off of the broken coffee table.
"Yo speedy, can you go grab the big suitcase out of my closet please" I asked Lesley
"Will do" then she ran off 21 seconds later she was back carrying a big black suit case. Blake and I shoved Miranda's lifeless body into the suit case. Then we rolled the suitcase out back into the forest and then we threw the case into the rushing river.

"Heather needs to be stopped! I slammed my fist down on the kitchen counter.
"Kaelee. Calm down" Marnie said
"It's been two years of us hiding I hate it we need to fight!" I yelled eyes glowing red.
"Kaelee. Stop. Calm yourself down" Blake place her hand on my shoulder.
My nails turned to claws and my teeth turned to fangs. My eyes glowed a brighter red. I let out a growl.
Jacqueline and Lesley transformed knowing what was about to happen.
Blake and Marnie grabbed my arms pinning me against the wall as I pounced forward. Ya I kinda need anger management. I fought against them breaking free then running off trying to escape. Lesley and Jacqueline jumped up and bit down on my forearms using they're bodies the pin me against the wall. Marnie was now back with the chains. Blake attached the 2 inch thick steel cuffs to me wrists and ankles. The chains were ultra thick. Marnie and Jacqueline loosened their jaws off my arms and backed up. I ran forward but got held back by the chains. They dragged me down to the basement chaining me in a hidden room with walls of metal and a steel enforced cement pillar. After 2 minutes of fighting to break free, I settled down. I sat there panting heavily. Blake entered the room and undid the giant cuffs. I walked out. My head hung low.
"Sorry guys. I'm just so mad. We are the only ones left." I looked down at the floor embarrassed of what I just did.
"We know. We understand" Blake said
"Thanks guys" I mumbled as we group hugged.
"Now enough of this mushy crap. Let's go plan our attack" I stood proudly after I wiggled out of the hug. I am NOT a hugging type of person.
Within a week we were able to track down heather. I sent Jacqueline out to keep an eye on her. So the plan.... Jacqueline was gonna lead her to the Benetton (a ginormous stump in the middle of the forest) and then we would launch our attack.
We were all set up in our positions.
A stick snapped and Jacqueline let out a yelp. That was the signal heather was following. Japuuleg. She pulled it out whimpering.
"Oh you stupid little wolf. How could you not tell I was following you." Heather said coming into view pulling a pistol from her pocket. She loaded it.... Oh no! That's a silver bullet! If we get hit with that we die! She aimed the gun. Just before she could pull the trigger we pounced. Lesley hit her first all were in wolf form except for me, I was just half wolf. They were able to pin her down. Jacqueline stood up from the Benetton and walked forward. I glanced at her now healed leg and continued to go stand over heather. I lifted my right hand and smirked. My nails grew into claws and I brought my hand up higher.
"Stupid heather." I sliced my nails across her throat killing her instantly.
"What now?" Blake asked.
I looked at heathers lifeless body. "I don't know"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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